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Radical student housing for Summer 2010, and/or Fall 2010 onward

Calling all dreamers, anarchists, and activists...

The Technicolor Tree Tribe (a house on 28th and Vermont) is a student-led USC housing Co-operative, and we're looking for 2 folks to share a double room for Fall 2010 and/or Spring 2011. Many rooms (doubles and singles) are available for Summer 2010.

We strive to be an anti-racist, environmentally conscious, politically minded and inclusive group of people.

We live a coop lifestyle eating communal dinners, promoting and hosting political activities such as anti-oppression and social justice caucuses and Food Not Bombs cooking.

We welcome anyone interested in our goals and integrating a co-op lifestyle as part of their own.
Email irisaireyfung@gmail.com for more information!

Modern hippie love,