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460$ rent awsome roomates available spring semester /11

Hi guys,

My name is Nicole fedora and I'm going to Italy for Study Abroad. I am a fourth year architecture student. Ill keep this as simple as possible.
I live at 2nd and fig
I have two room mates
parking is included (60$) if you have a car
utilities ranges from 50 - 100 (but the AC shouldn't be on so it will probable be around the 50ish amount)
The room is furnished and comfortable
My roommates Jen and Audrey graduated USC about four years ago they keep to themselves and are super nice and chill no drama at all.
I SAVE SOOOO MUCH LIVING HERE AND ITS NOTTTTT BAD AT ALLLL so pleaseeeeeeee get back to me!!!!!!!!! ASAP
um- I live with a cat and dog for ppl who may have allergies
okay ttyl!!!