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Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

I'm studying abroad in the Spring of 2012 and I am looking for someone to sublet my room! I live in a house at 2616 Ellendale Pl. - full kitchen, living room, 2 bathrooms, 4 single bedrooms, free laundry, free parking in front. My room goes for $490/month. The room is small, but it's still a REALLY good deal. Utilities are not included. I have a full bed and a bookcase in the room currently, which I can leave for you to use. You'll have a full closet in the hallway across from the room and access to a bathroom that you'll share with one other person. My 3 roommates are great, and there is a cat here that belongs to one of them. Email me at guidas@usc.edu or call me at (949) 413-3156 if you have any questions! :)


Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

Please email me at hyonachu@usc.edu.
I am interested in the room. Has it been taken already?

Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!


No, it hasn't. I'll email you so we can discuss it.


Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

Hey Sarah,

Around how much do utilities cost and how far is it from SC? Im currently in Spain but will be back for the Spring so I will need somewhere to live. Let me know.


Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

Hi Rachel,

It's about $12 a month for internet, $8 a month for power, and $60 every TWO months (so $30 a month) for water/electricity/trash. So overall it's about $50 a month :) Adding that to the rent, you would be paying $540 a month.

The house is about 2 blocks from USC. It's at the end of Ellendale near Adams. If you know where Cardinal Gardens or Century Apartments are located, it's a little bit past that. Biking, it only takes like 15 minutes to get from the house to Tommy Trojan. You can look at it on Google maps if it helps - 2616 Ellendale Pl.

Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

Hey Again,

That sounds perfect!:D How long would I have it for and how would the payment work? Would I pay you or the landlord? I lived in Century last year, is it also on Orchard?


Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!


No, it's past Orchard on Ellendale. You wouldn't pay the landlord directly. I'd probably just have you give your rent checks to one of my roommates, so that they could turn them in with their part of the rent. I'm done with my finals around December 12 I think (I'll have to double check) but you can have the room anytime after that. You would have it until the end of May. You can move out earlier if you want, but you'll be paying for the entire month of May :)

Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

Fabulous! I definetly want it so I guess I'll just run it by the parentals and get back to you. I would probably move in the day before school starts and stay till the end of May. Please hold it for me in the mean time. I will get back to you asap. Probably within the next 3 days or Friday the latest.


Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

Ok sounds good! Can't wait to hear back from you. Just to clarify - you can totally wait to move in until the day before school starts, but you need to pay for January's rent, which would be due on the 1st. So you would need to get a check to me before that. Or, if you have a Bank of America account, you could just transfer the money to me!

But yeah just let me know if you want the room, want me to leave my furniture in there, etc. Also, I can email you pictures of the house and my room if you want.

Re: Single Room Available for Spring 2012 on Ellendale - $490/month!!

Will do. A picture would be fantastic. I definetly would like you to leave the furniture. My email is rachelvb@usc.edu so go ahead and email me the pics. Thank you so much!
