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Spring Sublet available: $850/mo. spot on GREEK ROW

The basics:
- Looking for 1 girl to take over my lease on the row for $850/mo., all utilities included for Spring 2012
- Shared room in a co-ed building with 1 awesome girl roommate
- IF YOU ARE AN INTERESTED GUY - please contact me anyways there are space for men too, we can find out your options as well - Incredible location on USC's Greek Row (West 28th Street) -- I walk to class everyday!
- VERY safe, equipped with key fobs, security cameras, etc.

Email me with questions!

The details:
- This is technically a frat house, but it is only about 2 or 3 years old and there are many "boarders" both male and female who rent rooms and aren't affiliated with the frat, probably about half. Perhaps half of these girls are Greek, half aren't -- you'll fit in!
- Option to go on the meal plan for $200/mo.
- Lease runs through end of July (but if you only need Spring, the folks in charge make it really, really easy to sublet it out for Summer -- there is always more demand to live here than there are rooms in the Summer so do not even worry about Summer!)
- Summer months rent drops to only only $450/mo. - All rooms come with a full bed frame (lofted)
- Access to the kitchen, and downstairs common area has big screen TV, pool table, air hockey, library for studying, etc.
- Air conditioned/heating, all included
- Good mix of social/studious -- you will alway have quiet time to study but folks are chill and know how to have fun
- Good chance that you can take up my parking spot behind the house (would need to confirm on that) but if not plenty of parking is available on the row and elsewhere nearby
- Extremely chill roommate, we get a long great but I want to be closer to my friends elsewhere around campus. She's a busy girl and graduating in May, so you will have plenty of space to yourself.