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Sons Of Anarchy Season 5 Starts Tomorrow - Who is Watching?

Sons Of Anarchy Season 5 Starts tomorrow!
This is probably the best show of all time (in my opinion)
I am so excited for it to begin, that Ive spent the last two weeks watching seasons 1-4 to prepare myself for the season premiere of season 5
I even got a little overzealous and ordered a couple of these for my friends and I http://www.rockworldeast.com/store/Sons_Of_Anarchy
( I used a code i found on a coupon site to get 25% off, you can try it too if you want, the coupon code was SAMCRO in all capitals like that)

I think it will be a nice little surprise for them when they come over to watch the premiere with me
I am also going to attempt to make motorcycle shaped cookies.... ill keep you posted on how that works out!

Is anyone else watching? Who is your favorite character?