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Subletter Needed for Spring 2017 for House on 28th St


I'll be studying abroad in the spring of 2017 and am seeking a subletter for my house on 28th st, located between Hoover and Orchard. I live in a converted single, originally one large room that's been separated by hanging tapestries into two private spaces. The room includes furnishings (twin bed, large dresser, large closet, full-length mirror, shoe rack, side table), several windows, is connected to the living room and has a private door to the outside to come and go directly from the room.

The house is a beautiful refurbished one story with hardwood floors, AC, parking spaces, a front and back lawn, brand new appliances, two large kitchens, two bathrooms, a flat screen TV, and a hot tub. There will be 7 other USC Juniors (2 boys, 5 girls) living in the house, all of which are either theatre or music majors, so another arts major would be an ideal fit!

The rent is $820/mo + approximately $15 for utilities, though I'm open to some price negotiation.

Please reach out and reply for more info and/or to request pictures!

Thank you!

Sophie Thomason