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Are you looking for housing for Spring 2023?

HI! I will be graduating in December 2022 and I will need to move out of my apartment. I live in the Tuscany Apartment complex at 3770 S. Figueroa Street in a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. I am looking for a female student who is studious to take over my lease from January until the lease ends on July 31, 2023. My housemate is a law student at USC. She is very hardworking and respectful. She is an excellent housemate. I currently pay $2,448/month plus approximately $50/month for electricity and gas. Please email me if you have further questions. Thank you!

Re: Are you looking for housing for Spring 2023?

Melissa Gottlieb
HI! I will be graduating in December 2022 and I will need to move out of my apartment. I live in the Tuscany Apartment complex at 3770 S. Figueroa Street in a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment. I am looking for a female student who is studious to take over my lease from January until the lease ends on July 31, 2023. My housemate is a law student at USC. She is very hardworking and respectful. She is an excellent housemate. I currently pay $2,448/month plus approximately $50/month for electricity and gas. Please email me if you have further questions. Thank you!
the whole world is a theater, and it is better to play