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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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Thanks My Sisters For Your Prayers!

I Spoke with my son last night and he told me that Little Joe was doing much better with his acid reflux. Thank You Lord Jesus! He also told me that the hill behind their house was not slipping like we thought. I was very worried about LiL' Joe, but also about the home because we lost a home in March of 1994 due to a mud slide. It brought so many feelings back to mind. My daughter has a favorite saying "WHEN YOUR DOWN TO NOTHING GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING', how true this statement is.

Oh GOD MY FATHER, what would I do without you, I could not survive! Please help my family in their lives and my son to come to you in faith and baptism to the gospel and serve you the rest of his life also, help my daughter who is faithful to the gospel, finish the next two semesters of school (this last semester has been rough), let her know that it's OK to make a "B" every once in awhile. Father, I pray that she quit stressing out over nothing. Help her to finish her degree and plan her future with her fiance,and may they also live the rest of their days to serve you.PRAISE BE THE NAME OF THE LORD, IN JESUS NAME AMEN

Re: Thanks My Sisters For Your Prayers!

God is ALWAYS up to something. And I am SO thankful.

Glad to hear about your family. God is so very, very good.

Re: Thanks My Sisters For Your Prayers!


The kids are studying about Joseph in their bible study right now and right now it is such a blessing to me. I need the reminder that when life looks like it's not moving, God is.