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Dear Blessed Nanny you are SO RIGHT about this movie. And we as Christians need to help warn others about it.

The store next door to our bookstore is Z coil shoes, that's their business. Their ministry is renting "Cleaned Up Movies" (We need more places like this one) They are members of the church and attend Greenlawn here in Lubbock. They've been in business for about 5 years.

One of our tv stations called Patrice the other day and asked to interview her about the movie. She agreed. She relunctantly went to a bookstore and bought the trilogy. (Yes there are 3 books and will probably be a sequal.

The interview is to air on Fox 34 in the Lubbock area sometime next week as the movie opens on the 7th.

Anyway, the books are bad!!!! The devil is the fallen angel and God is just another angel. God won't let you do anything fun or good. The fallen angel encourages if it feels good do it, etc philosphy. She said that IF you didn't know what it was all about it possilbly could be a good read but knowing that it is an athiest who wrote it and wants to encourages others to live his way,

We must put out the warning!!!!! And we as the church must be prepared to combat it with love and scripture when we meet those who endorse it.


Mary warned us about this movie about a month ago. The author of the books has said that the plan of his books is to kill God for children. He makes no bones about it. The movie is just more evil. Check out for more information. (This is part of the Focus on the Family website.)


This from IT IS TRUE! I "stickyed" this topic because I believe it is so important for us to get the word out on it. Melody

The Truth:
"The Golden Compass" was scheduled for release December 7, 2007. The stars include 12-year-old Dakota Blue Richards, Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, and Ian McKellen.

The film is based on a novel titled "Northern Lights" ("The Golden Compass" in the United States), which is the first in a trilogy titled "His Dark Materials" written by English author Phillip Pullman.

He first published "Northern Lights" in 1995 followed by "The Subtle Knife" in 1997 and "The Amber Spyglass" in 2000. They are targeted toward children. The trilogy has resulted in several awards for Pullman including the Carnegie Medal, the Guardian Children's Book Award and the Whitbread Book of the Year Award.

The main character in the film is a young girl named Lyra (played by Dakota Blue Richards) who lives in a parallel universe to ours.

There has been much criticism from Christians about Pullman's novels and protest against the release of the first film in the series. The Catholic League has called for a boycott of "The Golden Compass."

Film critic and author Dr. Ted Baehr of the Christian Film and Television commission calls "The Golden Compass" "An atheist's 'Narnia' knockoff," referring to the best selling books "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis. The first film of the Narnia series was released internationally as "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." The second Narnia film, "Prince Caspian," is schedule for release in 2008.

Many view Pullman's books as a response to "The Chronicles of Narnia" but with an emphasis on "scientific materialism" over religion. Pullman has criticized "The Chronicles of Narnia" as "religious propaganda." In 2001 he told Guardian Unlimited "I hate the Narnia books, and I hate them with deep and bitter passion, with their view of childhood as a golden age from which sexuality and adulthood are a falling away."

Baehr describes Pullman as "an avowed atheist who has dedicated his life to undermining Christianity and the church among young readers." He says Pullman "represents God as a decrepit and perverse angel in his novels, who captures the dead in a 'prison camp' afterlife." One fallen angel says:
The Authority, God, the Creator, the Lord, Yahweh, El, Adonai, the King, the Father, the Almighty – those were all names he gave himself. He was never the creator. He was an angel like ourselves – the first angel, true, the most powerful, but he was formed of Dust as we are, and Dust is only a name for what happens when matter begins to understand itself.

According to Baehr, one heroine in the story turns from the Church when she realizes "there wasn't any God at all and … the Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake, that's all." The Church just kept her from finding love, thinking freely and pursuing bodily pleasures like sex. The Sunday Times describes the story as "...a quest that takes in the literal death of 'God', who is no more than a wizened, foetus-like invalid...Lyra releases human beings from attachment to the afterlife."

According to "The Golden Compass" web site, a key feature of the film is that "In Lyra's world, a person's soul lives on the outside of their body, in the form of a daemon -- an animal spirit that accompanies them through life." Each of the characters in the film has a daemon, which include birds, monkeys, snow leopards, reptiles, and moths. The web site has a feature to help visitors discover their own daemons by answering a series of questions.

There are voices from among Christians who support Pullman. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has proposed that "His Dark Materials" be taught in schools as religious education. His is among voices who view Pullman's writings as an attack on religious oppression, not Christianity.

Updated 10/26/07

A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet:

Family & Friends,

I received the following information via Email today and wanted to share it with you.

There is a new movie, coming out on December 7 entitled 'The Golden Compass'. This film, which appears quite innocent and interesting at first glance, is based on a book by an atheist author, by the name of Philip Pullman. (It is book one of a trilogy entitled 'His Dark Materials'.) Although the movie has been tamed down in order to not offend the billions of us who believe in God and Jesus Christ, it is designed to open the interest of the youth who watch it to the remaining stories, in hopes that they will read the trilogy. In the second and third of his trilogy, Pullman writes of the death of God Himself (He is kil


The following are quotes from Pullman (the author). Everytime I read anything about this movie and these books, I get so angry.

Such venom isn't the exception when it comes to Pullman's stance on all things Christian. He told the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph, "Atheism suggests a degree of certainty that I'm not quite willing to accede. I suppose technically, you'd have to put me down as an agnostic. But if there is a God, and he is as the Christians describe him, then he deserves to be put down and rebelled against. As you look back over the history of the Christian church, it's a record of terrible infamy and cruelty and persecution and tyranny. How they have the bloody nerve to go on Thought for the Day and tell us all to be good when, given the slightest chance, they'd be hanging the rest of us and flogging the homosexuals and persecuting the witches."

Pullman has said unambiguously, "My books are about killing God."

"[English poet William] Blake said that Milton was a true poet and of the Devil's party without knowing it," Pullman has said. "I am of the Devil's party and know it."

"I wanted to reach everyone," he says, "and the best way I could hope to do that was to write for children." Pullman's strategy for inculcating his beliefs involves planting these bad seeds in the minds of those who may not have the discernment to understand what he's doing.


RRoarrrrrrrrrrrrr He admited to targeting our children. OUR children. The most impressionable age!!


This man is delighting in his role as assistant devil, although he probably doesn't believe in Satan, either. And, of course, the media is gleefully eating it up, because in many cases it's what they do but are afraid to come right out and say so.

These people need Christ so badly. Let's remember to pray for our enemies (and our Savior's enemies) as well as those we love.



First Rowland, now Pullman. When WILL we wake up to the dangers that surround our children? We must be ever vigilant for our children's souls.

Thank you, blessednanny, for the warning; and thank you, Melody, for putting the sticky on it


My kids want to see this. After seeing the comercials and the trailers, I want to see this. But of course we won't. My kids were horrified to know the truth. I'm just glad it is all out in the open for people to make a choice instead of seeing the movie and not realizing what is behind it.


Ladies, the DVD is now out, so keep your eyes open and keep telling people how awful this is.