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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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Prayers for my grandson

My grandson is headed to Lexington tomorrow for pre-op appointment. Sisters please pray that everything goes o.k. and they get back home safe. The weather is supposed to be bad with hard rain.

Joseph is scheduled for surgery on 1-7-08 to repair a clef lip he was born with.The doctors want to get it done before he starts to crawl and walk.He's only 4 mts.old.

Sisters it's like daja'vu, because my son was born with this same thing. It brings back alot of memories for me and his grandfather.




Re: Prayers for my grandson

You are all in our prayers!


Re: Prayers for my grandson

Praying that all will go well and safely for the grandson and the family. Keep us posted.

Re: Prayers for my grandson

Praying that God will be with the doctors and your little Joseph. May he heal quickly.

BlessedNanny - I have a Joseph, he's 6. But your prayer request has a special place in my heart because I have a four month old too. Her name is Tori.

I remember how hard it was to hand over my six-month-old Sam so they could put tubes in his ears. Just a 10 minute surgery! When I handed him to the anesthesiologist I didn't want to let go. I hope Joseph's surgery goes perfectly and he heals quickly and easily.

Re: Prayers for my grandson

Father, Thank You for hearing us when we pray. Thank You for loving and protecting us. Please be with Joseph and his family as they travel tomorrow; take them to Lexington safely, and then bring them safely home. Please be with them on 1/7 when Joseph has his surgery. Guide the doctors, nurses and techs as they care for him; keep Joseph near Your heart. Please give peace with this situation to all of his family. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Re: Re: Prayers for my grandson

Thanks a million for your prayers for Joseph. Praise God, He is Good! Everything is fine and on schedule. Keep up your prayers sisters, you are great!


Re: Prayers for my grandson

I will keep your grandson in my prayers and that God is with your family as they travel.

Re: Prayers for my grandson

i will pray that gods mercy will be with your family especially the baby i know this can be scary but god is able. i will remember you and your family in prayer
