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Living with contentment/prayers for family

Good morning, Sisters,
It's been a while since I've been on the website. I need your help with a class project. How do we live or learn to live with contentment as Paul said he did? Also my dad and sisters live in Midwest City, OK, which is next to OKC. One sister has electricity, but a limb is on the power pole and it may break at any time. My 81 year old Dad is at her house because he has no power. My other sister has major devastation - no water nor electricity. Please pray for all these who are in this ice storm. They are supposed to get a snow storm starting Friday nite. Also pray for my husband as he had surgery the middle of Oct and is still not working due to complications. He had a hernia and also a tumor, thank God it is not cancer, but there has been a lot of post operative infection. He was off work quite a bit before the surgery. I know God hears prayers of His children. Thank you for your help and prayers. In Him, Sharon

Re: Living with contentment/prayers for family

Goodness Sharon, May God hold your family close and protect them.

As far as being content in my life it seems whenever I strive for happiness I briefly acheive it but am discontent the rest of the time. Yet when I strive to find joy then I do find it in abundance even when life is not necessarily happy.

Whenever I have what I call "a bad case of the wants" - I want new carpet, new clothes, a better job, etc, I am striving always for that next item that will bring me happiness. But when I plug in to the things God naturally gives us to be joyful about "the wants" fade away.

Joy is all around us to grab up and enjoy. And the more joy you give away, the more you have. Joy is simply the good things around us, the things of God. There's sunrises and sunsets, laughter, silliness, wonderful smells, pets, trees, the list goes on and on. It is really never-ending. The best joys, however, are God himself and our loved ones, our children, friends, family. I'm smiling just thinking about it all.

I just have to say too, that while joy is all around us for the taking so is misery. You can see the world as a wondrous creation or you can see it as a cold and cruel place. Both are true. Unfortunately I have a child who seems to always see the worst. I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to teach him to live joyfully. Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Re: Living with contentment/prayers for family

Thank you, Leah, for your kind thoughts. Our ladies class has been studying Phillipians and we are in the final few verses. Our teacher asked that we have some thoughts on living with contentment and I think you are right - there is joy when helping others. If we can look around us and see what we can do for someone else, even if it's just a smile, an encouraging email, or a hug, it can definitely brighten someone's day. I was told that even though we are going through some rough times that I still had a smile. My view is that it sure could be worse. My husband does not have cancer even thought he may have to have additional surgery. Sometimes I bake bread and give to others in our congregation who are going through hard times - maybe sickness; birthdays, or just to let them know they are special. I have been so blessed. I do fight depression, but if I help others, it helps me. Thank you again for your reply. In Him, Sharon

Re: Living with contentment/prayers for family

Sharon, I definitely feel you on this one. There's so much around us that we have to be thankful for. And we can easily see all that God's doing for us....But I too get distracted and lose sight of this at times and I'm praying for growth in that area. Because I know that Satan wants me to take my mind off of all God's blessings and get caught up in being discontent....and when I'm doing that my mind is not focused on praising Him, trusting Him and thanksgiving. You know, I also think that this world was designed in such a way to make us long even more to be with Him. There are always going to be things that leave a heart kind of full and heavy, and we look forward to being with Him one day when we can lay our burdens down. But until then, we've got a job to do. Lord, help us be faithful contented servants with our hearts and minds joyous and satisfied in just pleasing you.