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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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A little humor ladies !!

I found this story while doing a study on the fruits of the spirit. I wanted to share it with you. Guess what fruit it is demostrating?....

Shortly after W.W.I a pilot made his living going to small towns and giving people a ride in his plane. One day he got in an argument with a farmer on whether or not he could take his wife up with him for free. Exasperated with the farmer, the pilot said, “look, I’ll take you both up for the price of one, but if you make ONE sound, you will have to pay me double. “ The farmer and pilot shook on the deal and they got into the plane. The pilot put his plane through all kinds of crazy and dangerous maneuvers but not a single sound from the back. Finally he landed the plane looked back at he farmer and said, “ Well, you win. I don’t know how you could keep from screaming. I scared myself up there.” The old farmer said, “Well, you almost got me. I almost said something when my wife fell out of the plane.”

Re: A little humor ladies !!

Heidi, thanks for the laugh. We're in the middle of finals week, and there hasn't been a lot of laughing. Just two more to go and my son is finished. I can't wait! (Of course, we still have 2-1/2 more years of high school, plus college and graduate school.)

Re: Re: A little humor ladies !!

Thanks! Heidi

After spending the day Christmas shopping I need some humor. My checkbook looks rather sad. That was a cute little joke,I enjoyed it alot. I'm sure Jesus would have chuckled over that one.

Bless You Sister,
