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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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Greetings to all

Hello to everyone. Looks as if the board has been rather quiet. Lynn has certainly had her plate full with her family. May God continue to give her strength, and wisdom to tend to them.

I had a wonderful trip to the North East.
Monty may never let me roadtrip again!

I flew to Atlanta where I met Dru in person finally after 7 years of internet. We drove together to NC and spent the night with my sister and then onto Penn.

The drive was lovely. The fall colors were at their peak, which was something I had not seen since we lived in Tahlequah, Ok many years back.

The silentgrief retreat was such a blessing to all who attened. I got to meet Clara Hinton finally in person. She is a precious sweet soul and now a true sister of my heart. She and her son, Jimmy spoke a few times.

There were 2 others I got to meet in person from the silentgrieg board. The others who were there had googled looking for a grief retreat of somekind. And God brought us all together.

It was really really good.

It was just such a blessing to be in the car with Dru for over 1700 miles and spend time with Clara, too. Such a blessing. God is so good to us. so good to us!
I have pictures posted at if you would like to see the colors.

Re: Greetings to all

please wait until Friday to view pictures to give me time to change the settings so you all can see them.

Re: Greetings to all

I have been wondering where everyone is, too. True, I've been gone, but I think we finally have a working PC. (Oops, probably shouldn't have typed that "out loud".) I'm missing everyone, and hoping all is well.

I'm swamped with subbing & room mom duties. If I had realized how much more there would be this year, I would NEVER have volunteered for room mom. You just haven't lived until you try to get 25 high-school juniors to "make a craft". (This little enterprise was conceived by the elementary school moms. Can you tell?)

Re: Greetings to all


I'm glad that you had a good trip and got to meet all those beautiful people and enjoy all those pretty sights. I've just been plain busy with all the things that come with "momhood"! Somehow I don't think that's going to end anytime soon. But it's good busy-ness!

Lynne certainly does seem to have her hands full. What a blessing she is to us and others that she takes the time to let us know how others are doing and what they need prayers for.

I have been missing all of my dear sisters... it's nice to know that there are lovely sisters praying for us and helping us this side of Heaven.

Love, Hugs and Prayers to all,