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Pray for forgiveness and understanding in family feud

Hi Sisters,
You all know how open I am here. Well, I emailed the earthly sisters about the dinner conversation. One wrote back how she was hurt and stressed over how I could discuss it with my aunts. I wrote back tonight beginning with a prayers. Then explaining the aunt I initially discussed it with was the executor of the will therefore she could help me understand if perhaps I was understanding my sisters talk about bank accounts in the right way.
I told my husband I emailed them. He told me I shouldn't have, and I asked well how was I suppossed to do this in person.
Ok, well regina is having problems with her diabets and she says she questions who I am and what type of person I am. I told her that I am a Christian and obviously a very forgiving one at that given the life I am living in where I am today (if you recall my past posts.)
So, please pray for her, as well as miranda, and my aunts who they seem to be feeling tension from. Also pray for my dad Richard and Donna as my dad enters in to his last days. My sister RAchel and her family have moved in with them. The last 2 days I've called he's been asleep. Of course, Donna is Miranda and Regina's mom, so don't know if this is done to get back at me for them due to the pain my email inflicted.
Yet, yesterday, I talked to Rachel who is going through her own stress moving in to the house and being pregnant. She is married and hubby is moving in to. But her older sisters, my younger, who are upset with me right now are being hard on her.
She did tell me that Regina feels everyone is mad at her right now and I think RAchel feels the same thing from them.
So, lets just say this is a family with many branches that needs prays. 8 aunts and uncles grieving with 27 kids between them of various ages, and some of them are grieving too. Then there us 4 sisters all together who seem to be having are own problems as sisters as well as in our individual families and with health. Of course the 3 younger are all blood sisters. I'm just a half of them, so.... there closer, they are there, and it's a mess.
Thank you for the prayers.
I love you all

Re: Pray for forgiveness and understanding in family feud

Father, we thank You for caring about us and our problems. We thank You for listening when we call. I pray that You would send a little peace to this family. Lord, she has so much going on, without all of this extra. Please help her to cope with this, and with all that is in her life. Please ease the grieving in the family, and help them to pull together, instead of apart. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Re: Pray for forgiveness and understanding in family feud

You all are in our prayers.

Re: Pray for forgiveness and understanding in family feud


Re: Pray for forgiveness and understanding in family feud

I spoke to my one aunt that my sister thought I had talked to. She said that she's seen a different side of Regina with all that has happened. I apologized to her and she apologized to me that the sisters have acted this way. I'm glad to have peace with my aunts.
No word from Regina or Miranda.