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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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I'm curious?

Wordwoman and Mary. Please email me. I no longer have wordwoman's email. Did you think that lynne was me? I would like to email her. I wonder who she is?
You know my half sister has quit speaking to me.She has blocke my email plus many of my aunts and uncles. Once upon a time I was a victim of an interent hoax.
There are things Lynne wrote about that seem similar to situations that I have gone through. So, I'd like to know lynne.

Re: I'm curious?

I don't know who she is, and I hope she's not a hoax. I hate the thought of someone misusing this board in that manner. The e-mail address you had for me was from my last job. I'm sorry, but I don't give out my e-mail address anymore; just doesn't seem safe. But, I'm always here if you need me.

Re: I'm curious?

I don't know who she is either, Lynne. I am like WordWoman, I shy away of things that are questionable. If she is serious, and legitmate, then it will become obvious. Too much like you is strange.

Just keep yourself from worry and tension because of someone else's trickery.

Re: I'm curious?

Hi all, I checked the IP's. One is aol and the other is bellsouth.

I have been busy with the store and the church and not much time for anything else. My virus program due to sensativity of store activity always wipes out my info. and I don't always get it all back in because of time issues.

be well and keep loving the Lord.