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Re: Advice for an Only Child

If you can't have anymore of your own, ever think of adopting one?

Re: Advice for an Only Child

Hi, Karen,

I know this is easy for me to say, but don't worry too much about this. She will make friends with kids at school and at church when she is ready. She's still very young. If you don't mind a little advice from an older mother, don't try to fill all her waking hours with organized activities and active play. Let her learn to be by herself, to amuse herself, to think her own thoughts. Teach her to do quiet things like read and draw and imagine. When you're winded from playing tag with her, have some quiet time. Read to her, or tell her stories, especially Bible stories. Ask her questions and listen to her answers. Ask her to tell you a story, or draw you a picture. You get the idea. If she can learn to amuse herself, she will never get "bored".

Please don't take this personally, Karen. This is based on what I've seen around here and not on anything you said. One of my great fears is that we are losing a whole generation of writers and inventors and great thinkers because some parents are so obsessed with cramming every moment of their child's time with structured activities--lessons and sports and clubs and anything else they can find. The poor children never have a moment to themselves to just think and assimilate the life lessons they should be learning. Remember Psalm 46:10a "Be still, and know that I am God." And that's good advice for all of us.

Re: Advice for an Only Child

Karen, as an only raising an only, don't worry. She'll be okay. But Donna is right about teaching her to do things on her own. I'm not afraid to be alone, and I know how to fill my time. I still get bored sometimes, but not for long. My son is the same way, and he's 17. I also agree with Donna that we're losing the ability to think. I spend my days with students from K-12, and I see their inability to occupy themselves.

And she'll make friends when she's ready. If she has made a friend at school or in one of her activities, invite the child over sometime. The kids will have fun, and the other parents will thank you for the "break".

Re: Advice for an Only Child (Thanks)

Thanks everyone. And Donna, no I didn't take your comments the wrong way. I agree and appreciate you for making them.

Your Sister in Christ
