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Christian Sisters' Message and Prayer Request Board
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Pray for Definitive Answer

Hello Sisters,

I just found this website and saw the prayer request forum. I have a prayer that I have been waiting for an answer from God for about 6 years. Since God has been silent and has not crossed my path with other options I am confused as to what I should do. I need to know what He wants me to do soon. I have been waiting and waiting for so long and am getting very discouraged. Please pray digilently that God show me a definitive answer. The other person involved in this situation has confused me with conflicting messages. Please pray that God guide us both to His will and that whatever that is we go peacefully and lovingly.

God Bless you and thank you,


Re: Pray for Definitive Answer

Laura, you have my prayers. There are many women on this site who are much more learned than I, and I'm sure you will be hearing from them. I don't believe that God is "silent"; sometimes you may have to listen a bit harder for the answer. But I know that He hears us when we call.

Re: Pray for Definitive Answer

Laura, are you SURE you have not been answered? You may be ignoring the answer that you don't want to hear, and waiting for the answer that YOU WANT instead of what is God's will. Be honest with yourself and study your bible diligently and intelligently, and you will find your answer. If you care to discuss your "problem" privately, I will be glad to correspond by email.

Re: Pray for Definitive Answer

I was almost sure that I would not have to wait long to receive an answer like yours. I really don't need for someone to pass judgement on whether or not I am listening to God. What I need is some compassionate souls to just pray for my situation and for God to handle as He wills and to reveal His answer clearly. "Please pray that God guide us both to His will and that whatever that is we go peacefully and lovingly." These were my exact words. I am sure you don't have any problem hearing God's answers because you wouldn't respond as you did if you had any confusion as to what God wants for you. You must be a stellar Christian.

Re: Pray for Definitive Answer

I'm sorry if you were offended, and that you misunderstood my answer. I will not argue with you on this. If you want a fight, you'll have to look elsewhere. I have been praying for you, as I'm sure many others have. I don't always "hear" His answer, but I believe that He has answered.

Re: Pray for Definitive Answer

My appologies, too, Laura. It is my prayer that you will find what you are looking for.