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luke when are u having caerulea babies?

hi luke! great website! i noticed you are trying to breed your caerulea's have you had any succcess yet? and if so when will you have another batch or babies as you know im looking to buy some.

Bek. (aussiefrogchick)

Re: luke when are u having caerulea babies?


i kinda tried last year but my female was not sexually mature, so instead the males decided to get in amplexus with each other, lol.

this year i will breed them. my female is good, and this year i will defineatly go thru proper cycling.


Re: Re: luke when are u having caerulea babies?

hee hee thats funny that the boys amplexed! thats so cute! well hope you have luck this year! please let me know if you do because i will buy some for SURE! my email address is if you ever have a batch of green babies *smile*

Bek. (aussiefrogchick)