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australian tree frog disease

Hello son's teache gave him 2 frogs, and the larger one who hides under a coconut half has something wrong with the skin on one looks rather raw..and am wondering if it might be a fungal infection..the teacher has had them in an aquarium with moss in there some sort of home remedy to use tonight?? The vets are closed tomorrow..a holiday..I don't want to wait too long..any advice would be welcome..regards, bri

Re: australian tree frog disease

what type of frogs?? what are your enclosure specs like? eg- temps, humdity, size, hiding spots, water source etc?
when did you get the frog? recently?

what does the leg look like? fungal infections can be white or brown/black. they devolop because of an injurie or abrasion which can go infected if they are in high humidity

luke z