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Dock Dogs

Has anyone done Dock Dogs with their guys? If so I would love to hear how you liked it. I have a few water crazed Labradors and I was considering doing it for fun. Thanks!

Re: Dock Dogs

We did it once at a boat show with our one boy. He loved it! He leaped over 15 feet. The dogs had to jump into a huge above-ground pool. The challenge was to teach them how to use the ramp to get out. We have never done it on a natural dock into the lake or ocean.

Re: Dock Dogs

If you do a search on "dock Dogs" on the forum you'll find a thread back in July....

Re: Dock Dogs

Thanks for the posts, and those who emailed me separately. In my internet search I found which had interesting stuff on the website plus entries for the location I was looking at.

Re: Dock Dogs

If you would like, feel free to email me privately
at ""...we're addicted to Dock
Dogs little yellow Peanut has gone from
jumping three feet to a senior title nationally this
summer....and we have one more event to go.

Jane Harford