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False Pregnancy?

I have a girl who was bred and did an U/S on day 24 to 27. The U/S showed nothing. Now, she is getting very pronounced mammary development and more rib spring and although I suspect it is just another false pregnancy (wouldn't be her first), I would hate to think we missed a singleton and run into trouble.
Is it possible to miss puppies on U/S at that late a date with a fairly experienced vet?
Just wondering if I should do an X-ray a week before she was supposed to whelp.

Re: False Pregnancy?

I would do an xray. Good Luck.

Re: Re: False Pregnancy?

I would do an x-ray too.

Re: Re: Re: False Pregnancy?

I thought that an xray wouldn't show anything until later in the pregnancy.

I don't do U/s until day 30.

Re: False Pregnancy?

We did an ultrasound and blood work on my girl at day 30 from a 5 prog, but 27 days from 1st breeding. They both came up negative. About 2 weeks before her due date she started looking and acting pregnant. I was afraid to get my hopes up because this was her last breeding and we and hopes of keeping a boy and a girl to keep this line alive. The week before her due date I thought I had felt somthing move and my husband thought I was crazy. I took her in for x-ray on Monday the 22nd. The vet thought he saw 4 pups, I only counted 3. She went into labor that night and delivered one pup and then when it came time to deliver the next pup she could not push him out. I ran her to the vet who preformed an emergency c-section. We lost the stuck pup but the one behind him was just fine. She gave me the boy and the girl I had hoped for. They are 3 weeks and weigh about 5 1/2 to 6lbs.

I would take her in for an x-ray around day 57 to 59 to see if there is a pup or two in there.

Good Luck

Re: False Pregnancy?

You might want to follow the thread re: Relaxin.

There is some discussion there about singletons and small litters that might be relevant. I would x-ray to be sure you know what's going on and can be prepared just in case there is someone in there!