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Re: Anxious Mom

Wait one week. . . to five weeks. . . and then you should start to see nipple changes. The tips will get redder and the areola will get puffier.

ALL my pregnant bitches have these changes around 5 weeks (you won't see them at 4 weeks). By 6 weeks, (for me), if these changes aren't there, the bitch is not pregnant.

Re: Anxious Mom

Yup 5 weeks is the clincher.

Re: Anxious Mom

Vulva usually remains swollen/puffy looking after being bred. She is black and her nips stay grey/black colored when she's pregnant, her vulva is a dead give away. Good luck!

Re: Anxious Mom

I would say Ultra sound. I bred my girl on her last heat and she went through a false pregnancy that showed all the signs of being PG even put on milk at the end. Thankfully I had sounded her with a a great tech so I knew she was empty otherwise I would have been at the vets x-raying to check for a few puppies at 59 days.

Re: Anxious Mom

My girl stayed swollen, nipples enlarged/pink - all the signs. Took her in for an ultrasound, not pg.