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Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

Just because a puppy with a heart murmur can run and play without getting out of breath doesn't mean it will resolve. It could be TVD. It is definitely worth seeing a cardiologist and having an echo done. Of course I do hope it will resolve and that no matter the diagnosis the pup will have a long, happy life!

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

Just because a puppy with a heart murmur can run and play without getting out of breath doesn't mean it will resolve. It could be TVD. It is definitely worth seeing a cardiologist and having an echo done. Of course I do hope it will resolve and that no matter the diagnosis the pup will have a long, happy life!

Indeed. I know a 2 yr old dog with a serious case of TVD that has lots energy and goes upland hunting, he could also go into a fatal arrythmia at any moment and was almost lost under anesthesia before it was discovered.

Even Carrie (my TVD dog), who is severe, did not get out of breath when she was a 3 month old puppy. They compensate, until they can't.

I don't mean to be all doom and gloom. The pup may not have TVD at all.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

They can compensate very well. Ginger runs as fast as a greyhound and can play along with the Labs without looking winded, to look at her playing you would never know there is a seriously damaged heart inside her chest. So damaged that the cardiologist said she doesn't see this level until the dog is around 6 years, Ginger is only 10 months old. We do limit the length of time she plays so that she doesn't tire herself.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

Just because a puppy with a heart murmur can run and play without getting out of breath doesn't mean it will resolve. It could be TVD. It is definitely worth seeing a cardiologist and having an echo done. Of course I do hope it will resolve and that no matter the diagnosis the pup will have a long, happy life!

Agree, however here our policy is if they aren't compromised, wait to see cardiologist until the 20 week old mark. If it's still there at 20 weeks, it's more likely to be a serious issue. All of our murmurs have resolved by 16 weeks. The vast majority of puppy murmurs are simple murmurs due to increased blood volume. All pups are thought to have flow murmurs at some point of their growth, but the murmurs can be auscultated easier in the smallest pups probably due to less fat on the chest area, hence puppy murmurs are reported more often in the smallest of the litter.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

Sorry, I don't mean to be doom and gloom either...both puppies I know (from completely unrelated litters) that had heart murmurs discovered at 8 weeks old were diagnosed with TVD. Sire and dam from both litters had echo clearances. Both were the smallest in their respective litters. Both were extremely active. Unfortunately, one had to be euthanized because her TVD was severe and she was suffering. The other puppy was bred by someone else and was placed in a pet home prior to the diagnosis. When the murmur was found, the breeder payed for the cardiologist and an echo confirmed TVD. The breeder offered to pay for medical care related to the TVD. The puppy’s case was described as somewhere between moderate and severe. The breeder also offered to replace the puppy. The family had already fallen in love with her and decided to keep her. They try to let her be a dog while at the same time limiting activities that over excite her. She’s almost 3 years old.
Based on what I have experienced personally, I would not wait to do an echo. If her heart looks good then she can go to her new home. If she does have TVD, then all of the other puppies in the litter need to be checked by a cardiologist too. In my litter, we did echos on the 8 littermates and found one more case of TVD. The cardiologist was not able to hear his murmur with a regular stethoscope. His case was described as moderate and I kept him. The other breeder cleared her litter by auscultation done by the cardiologist. There were only three puppies in that litter and no other cases of TVD were found.
In the last year or so, someone posted that TVD is not a death sentence. My response would be that it is not necessarily a death sentence – but that depends on how severe it is. I hope there is nothing wrong with your puppy and I will be praying that the cardiologist gives you good news.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

Thank you all for your kind words and advice. This puppy is my first murmur and I don't have the in depth knowledge that all of you have.
I will take her this week to the cardiologist to see what he says. I do hope it resolves at 20 weeks but I need to know something. She may have to stay here.
This forum is so nice with so many experienced people to help. Thank you again and I will let you all know what her test shows.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

Thank you all for your kind words and advice. This puppy is my first murmur and I don't have the in depth knowledge that all of you have.
I will take her this week to the cardiologist to see what he says. I do hope it resolves at 20 weeks but I need to know something. She may have to stay here.
This forum is so nice with so many experienced people to help. Thank you again and I will let you all know what her test shows.

It is not uncommon for a pup at 7 or 8 weeks old to have a grade 1 murmur due to the heart not being fully developed yet. For a grade 1 or even 2 murmur, I would not be in a hurry to get that pup to a cadiologist until it is older and the heart had a chance to mature. That said, I don't know what age by which a low grade murmur should resolve itself? Mine all have by the time the pup finished vaccinations. Is 20 weeks the time people use???

A low grade murmur that does not resolve itself could be TVD or something else. That should be checked by a cardiologist. But, it is my understanding that low level TVD would not affect a pet puppies quality of life in any way. There are also other conditions that inexpensive medication is necessary that when given will make it so the pup will live a normal life. Again, these are things you would want a cardiologist to diagnose.

At what age would you expect a low grade, self-resolving heart murmur to be gone?

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

info needed

At what age would you expect a low grade, self-resolving heart murmur to be gone?

I've never asked a cardiologist by what age an innocent murmur would/should be gone (great question). I was just thinking even adults can have an innocent murmur, which, to clarify for people who may read the thread and not know, is one created merely by noisy, but normal, blood flow rather than a malformation. Because of this pup's smaller size and earlier issues, wait and see may be a bad idea, as a few problems can be fixed before a dog's condition worsens. Certain kinds of holes and PRAA can be surgically fixed. So, I'm glad this pup will get checked out sooner.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

We did a full Cardiac color doppler and exam and the puppy was clear, no murmur. I was shocked!

Thank you for all of your support!

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

That is wonderful news!!!! I know you must be so relieved!!!

I wish it was better news for Ginger, she will need a Balloon Valvoplasty very soon, but we are relieved that she doesn't have a more severe condition on top of it.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

I'm so sorry about your girl and hope she is well soon.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

Glad to hear your puppy is fine! In the meantime, Tiffany, we'll keep Ginger in our prayers.

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

We did a full Cardiac color doppler and exam and the puppy was clear, no murmur. I was shocked!

Thank you for all of your support!

Great news!

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

level 1-2 usually right themselves….

Re: Puppy Heart Murmur

How is ginger doing? My 5 month old lab just got the TVD diagnosis and I am distraught. It's hard to picture my sweet girl being sick since she plays so well and doesn't have any symptoms right now. I am hesitant to start her on any meds right now but don't want to kick myself down the road. Am hoping to hear others stories and advice.