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Re: How to say he is too old

I e-mailed back this gentleman with my standard answer and ask him to fill up my puppy application, which includes asking about what would happen to the dog if they would become unable to take care him.
He only answered to say that his daughter was coming to town from another state and he would like to come and see the dogs now that she could bring them. I re-sent the application which he keeps on ignoring.
He e-mailed back asking to please give the address so he can come with his daughter in a particular date.

Sorry, is not going to happen. First, if he can't drive, how is he going to transport the dog may he have an emergency? Also, why isn't he submitting the application? I need to know at least who they are before I give out my time and my address.

If it is not all clear, my puppy is not going with them.