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Re: Puppy Confidence?

There is a lot you can do. Take him out of the pen to be fed, take him out and carry him around as you work around the house. Hold him on your lap when you're sitting and relaxing. A week of constant interaction has always fixed this type for me. When my kids were younger, I'd just give the pup to them for a few days to integrate with their play (I checked on them often) and the change was amazing. It was darling too to see pup as part of a tea party, being read a story, etc. We have such sweet photos of these days. Once he has first shots, put a crate in your vehicle and take him along when you go out. Even just carrying pup for a short stroll around the grocery store parking lot does them worlds of good.

I was just in the pet store for dog food with one of my 12 week old pups. An employee asked if I knew a well known breeder who lives in my area. The employee said the breeder is in the store frequently with a puppy or dog or two, just getting them out and socializing. This breeder's dogs have such great attitudes in the ring, you can tell they are use to being out a lot.

WOW! Thank you so much for your advice! This baby could very well be a "keeper" -- he's really very nice and more confidence would make him "very nice!" I will follow your suggestions as best I can -- I don't have kids to play with him as you had in your situation. I'm trying to expose him to as many different situations as I can -- I'm only reluctant to try too much as I don't want to intimidate him in any way whatsoever.

Re: Puppy Confidence?

I have struggled with a couple of dogs that were a little shy. When they were older, each one was cured by a road trip with one of my adult dogs. If I recall correctly, they were close to one year old. Currently I have a 5 month old that will be at the Potomac with me this year. By the time he gets home, he will be ready for anything.