The Logic Forum Discussion Area

This Forum is Locked
This forum needs more traffic


Just a suggestion: I'm wondering whether the link to this forum should be placed in a more prominent location on your main website; the number of visitors seems abysmally low. But maybe that's because not many people are interested in logic. And perhaps you don't care much, especially if you feel you have to respond to all the posts...

Anyway, I find writing helps me to understand, so don't feel you need to reply to my posts, I do tend to ramble on a bit and I know you have other, more important work to do.

Re: This forum needs more traffic

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I just found out this forum exists though I have been coming to Avi Sion's site for a while now. This is certainly refreshing as it is difficult to find those interested in the study of logic these days.

I don't see a direct link to this page on his site but found it by way of him responding to a comment.