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Getting a dog collected to freeze

Any tips on anything we can give a dog to make his collection plentiful for freezing? Any special diet? Supplements?

Re: Getting a dog collected to freeze

Have a bitch in standing heat as a teaser - that's pretty much the best you can do, barring any problems he might have.

Re: Getting a dog collected to freeze

Omega canine was recommended to us by our repro guy after he ruled everything else out. You can google it. It's omega counts are very similar to the private label Cold Pressed flaxseed oil from GNC. We went from getting 3 breedings in a collection to 8 from the same dog. We gave a Tbsp at each feeding topdressed on food.

Re: Re: Getting a dog collected to freeze

Why not just buy the "private label Cold Pressed flaxseed oil from GNC"?

I have started buying flax seed in bulk and I add some high grade flax oil to the seeds and put it in the food processor and make a flax paste.

I give all the dogs a heaping tablespoon with their food once per day. I have seen a huge difference in coats and the quantity of their semen and motility has improved dramatically for my boys.

My Vet was able to freeze 20 vials from 4 collections with no teaser bitch. It was extremely high quality too. Prior to the flax mixture I would only get "maybe" 3 vials from a single collection.

Give it a sure can't hurt them. I have started giving it to my husband in his morning oatmeal ...

Good luck

Re: Re: Re: Getting a dog collected to freeze

I used to put flax seed in hubbys oatmeal also but I just took him off of it...Had 2 kids in 2 years. And yes it was GNC's.

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Replying to:

Why not just buy the "private label Cold Pressed flaxseed oil from GNC"?

I have started buying flax seed in bulk and I add some high grade flax oil to the seeds and put it in the food processor and make a flax paste.

I give all the dogs a heaping tablespoon with their food once per day. I have seen a huge difference in coats and the quantity of their semen and motility has improved dramatically for my boys.

My Vet was able to freeze 20 vials from 4 collections with no teaser bitch. It was extremely high quality too. Prior to the flax mixture I would only get "maybe" 3 vials from a single collection.

Give it a sure can't hurt them. I have started giving it to my husband in his morning oatmeal ...

Good luck

Re: Re: Getting a dog collected to freeze

Out of curiosity, who is your repro vet. I have good vets in repro and a dog with collectio problems but they have never mentioned this.