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Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

Have been reading this thread with interest.
All the pros and cons of beeing anonymous...
Jill said that you do not want to stand with your name if you have a problem!!!
Right on, there it is... we are having problems in our breed because people want to hide them...

This is dogbreeding and we are working with genetics.
For every succesfull dog, you have a lot of learning and misstakes to make.
We all have problems and they will not go away just because we are silent.
And the longer we stay in the breed the more problems we will experience, in the end we will have it all...

I can se no shame in having problems, it is part of breeding, and not personal in any way.
The reason why we still have alot of problems could be because someone was silent to protect their own skin.
I prefer honesty every day of the week, it may hurt at first, but in a long run you sleep sooo much better. And if I myself hang out all my scelletons then I do not have to be afraid of someone else finding one..!
But people not beeing honest is the biggest problem we have in the breed.
If for instance you have a bitch that has produced wrong bites, would you not prefer the dog owner to be frank about what the dog has produced, and not find out afterwards when you have a litter of wrong bites...
If the dogowner would come out clean and tell me the dog has produced some bite issues, then I would respect that person and it would save me from mating a bitch with the same problem to him. But for sure I would come back with another bitch to that dog or any other dog in that kennel...
Could we not try to be more open to eachother , that way we do not all have to make the same misstakes to learn.

It is NOT shameful to have a problem but it is if you are trying to hide it and are found out...

Re: Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

Yes, in a perfect world.......but these aren't perfect times my friend. Most people aren't breeding for the right reasons either. What a shame. You my friend, speak from the heart, and I respect that. I often get blasted for telling folks how it is. Keep doing what you're doing, and every now and then....someone else might just surprise you. Don't you just love those adorable Labradors? We have a young litter right now, and we're loving the little once so much!!!!

Re: Re: Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

WE HAVE A CHOICE. We decide what world to live in,as we create it, and I for one refuse to be a victim....

In my little world I make the rules,how to save electrecity, how to drive my car, what lamps to go out when I am not around... To stay off all the hormon pills, even if my bed is soaked with sweat...

Do you know that all the hormon pills is going out with the flush of the toilet... Pills that will not get us pregnant or old, or feel that we are old.

Around some lakes, fishes have just one sex and small baby boys have no penises...or just a remain of it...

And did you know that more people die of airpolution than of smokers... and still you are after the smokers with guns...You can not smoke anywhere but you gladly take your baby in a pram to walk beside the traffic, and you even run along it....
And by the way I do not have any anonomous friends,so stop calling me that,, or is it just to belittle me...

Re: Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

I'm sure more people would be open about the health problems they HAVE produced, if others would stop rumor-mongering about problems they haven't.

I have a boy with EIC. When he first started collapsing--and we started talking EIC--it started going around that he has TVD and that his breeder produces TVD and so forth, when in truth there is nothing in his pedigree OR health files to indicate TVD. I'm sure his grandsire also received a fair share of the blame in the rumor-mills as his grandsire is a top producer. I have been COMPLETELY open about the EIC from day one, yet here it is--everyone believes he has TVD. He goes for his cardiac clearance this weekend and was inspected by the cardiologist who first identified/wrote up TVD in Labradors.

I happen to be a NOBODY as far as the breed goes, yet there it is. I haven't produced a litter and have no intention of breeding to him. I'm kicking around neutering him, but want to wait to see if this gene test comes to fruition.

Re: Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

I hope your boy does just have EIC and he passes his test.
The TVD gene test will be a good thing for everyone. If you have not donated yet there is plenty of time!
Good Luck!

Re: Re: Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

"just EIC" isn't quite appropriate. EIC is genetic and just as serious as the heart malfunction. It can and often is deadly.

This dog owner is being very responsible with her dog and I commend her for that. Rumors get started SO FAST and are perpetuated despite the truth at times.


Re: Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

Good post Pia! Yep we all have problems with our dogs and I too don't see the point in hiding it as everyone will find out eventually.....Recently I found out something about a stud dog I had used that I was not happy that the stud owner didn't tell me about, had I been given the choice and known about it that would have been a different story

Re: Anonymous on forum,is there a reason...

Once Upon A Time wrote:
"Most people aren't breeding for the right reasons either...."

Most implies a majority of much more than just half - as in almost all. I'm certain I do not agree with this statement. I would be interested in hearing what "the right reasons" are in your book, because while I can fault the motives and agendas of SOME breeders, I would never say most (excluding BYBs, of course - they aren't serious breeders). Just my opinion....