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crusty nose

My 9-month-old puppy has a line across the center of his nose caused no doubt by his love of digging and rooting in the yard. It's rough and crusty skin. I'm looking for suggestions on how to treat this. I've tried wetting a cloth in warm water and gently rubbing, followed by putting some Bag Balm on it. Any other ideas?

Re: crusty nose

Vitamin E oil?

Re: crusty nose

Hopefully this isn't nasal hyperparakeratosis. This can be hereditary in labs. I have dealt with one that had a mild case. I can try to see if I still have photos of his nose.

Re: Re: crusty nose

I sure am looking forward to getting the link to the pictures since I just noticed today that I have the same problem on my Labs nose. He will dig a bit, but I know this isn't the cause. I have been giving my dogs the rawhide sticks.
Is it serious, and will it go away?

Re: crusty nose

If it is nasal hyperkeratosis, no it will not go away. We've been dealing with this problem since my girl was just under a year old, she is now 10 years old. The problem has slowed down as she ages but it will never go away as there is no cure.

Re: Re: crusty nose

Do you have a link to where I can read about it? I Googled it and can't seem to find anything I can understand.

Re: crusty nose

I have a girl with this problem and once a week,I rub in bag balm. No rough area now!