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Worming Protocol

As I await the next litter, I am again reviewing my worming protocol, and wanted to see what everyone else was doing.

At what age or ages do you worm?

What do you use to worm with at each age?

Re: Worming Protocol

Ok, I will wiggle with this question. *G*
I have everyone living with me on year round (monthly) topical and oral prevention. I also test yearly as I live in the south. When puppies arrive I do not worm unless the fecal sample run by the vet says I have worms. I do not want to stress my puppies if they do not need it. That being said it is simply my protocol and one that has served me for many years. Good luck with the upcoming babies.

Re: Worming Protocol

I worm at 2 wks 4 wks and 6 wks

Re: Worming Protocol

2.5, 3.5, 5.5, and 7.5 weeks

Re: Worming Protocol

Mama when kids are 3 wks, pups @ 4.5 and 6 wks.
I do random poop checks prior to the 6 wk dose and may not need it.

I use an Equine wormer that is like NemexII but twice as strong for half the $$$

Re: Worming Protocol

No other input as to ages and wormer used? Help!!

Re: Worming Protocol

I de-worm at 2,4,6,8 weeks of age. 50mg of Pyrantel base. The common brand name used to be "Strongid" now breeders can get it under numerous names. I happen to get a bottle directly from my vet, inexpensive. Dose is .1 per pound for under 5 pounds. .05 x weight for pups 5 pounds and heavier. I also run fecal floats at 6 weeks of age ensuring there are not parasites.

Re: Re: Worming Protocol

Pyrantel 50 mg. base can also be purchased over the counter at your local drug store (WalMart)under the name "Pin X". If they don't have it ask them to get it. It's for treating humans. The ingredients are identical to Strongid T and in a smaller bottle and MUCH cheaper.

The dose I use is 1 cc/ 10 pounds, ie 7 pound pup would be .7cc.

I worm my pups at about 3 weeks, after they start eating, 10 days later and if I still see worms, 10 days again. If no worms, I don't do the third time.

Re: Worming Protocol

Strongid. Wormed last litter at 5 1/2 and 7 1/2 weeks. Stool samples checked just before pups went home because I had a loose stool issue. Turned out to be reaction from vaccination as stools were clean.