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Yellow Female Found

June is a tracking acquaintance. We're in Middle TN, and all the rescue folks I used to know are burned out and are out of the game. If you'll let me know someone I can contact, I'll pass the info on to June. I'm full and I think my big guy just blew his ACL, so I'm out for awhile, but i could foster her for a day or two if needed.

Paula, the Labs and the AWS

< the way home on Highway 60 we spotted a Yellow Labrador Retriever running at
on-coming cars. She wanted them to stop for her. A semi barely missed her
and with us slowed down and with blinkers on and blowing the horn, we were
still afraid we'd hit her. She swerved at the last minute and ran between
us and the car beside us. We pulled over and I got out on the passenger
side and she ran to me and collapsed at my feet. We put a leash on her
thinking we'd have to force her in the car, but when the door opened she
hoped into the passenger seat and said "Yes, this is my spot."

With four full crates in the back, the only place to put a 72.5 lb lab was
the little space at my feet. She was overheated and traumati zed searching
for "her vehicle" and was so relieved to be safe. It took a long time to
get her cooled down. We got off the highway and drove around for way over
an hour trying to find out where she belonged. The sweet girl rode for
the next 6 or 7 hours cramped up in the little space that should have been
for my feet. When we stopped for potty breaks we had to leave her on the
passenger seat while we walked the other dogs as she wasn't about to risk us
leaving without her.

Johnny took her to the vet on Monday to see if she was chipped. She was not
and other than being a little overweight, a scrape on her nose and bad yeast
infection in one ear, she is in good shape. The vet says she's around 3 and
is NOT spayed. She wants human companionship desperately and will not even
eat in kennel or in a yard run. She'll only eat in the kitchen with me
sitting there with her. She is not really broke to heel, sit or anything,
but she d oes love to get in a vehicle and doesn't resist when she is on a

The Highway 60 Hitchhiker wants to be my dog, but I'm already taken. Do you
know anyone with a fenced yard that would love to give this girl someone to
be totally devoted to or someone in Lab Rescue who would make sure this
sweet, sweet girl gets the person to love that she deserves. June Johnston
(615/202-1871) >>

Re: Yellow Female Found

Bless you for taking her in. Your description of her frantically searching on the highway made me wonder if she wasn't dropped off.

Give her a biscuit and a hug.

Re: Re: Yellow Female Found

I agree, bless you for helping her!!...I hope she finds a wonderful forever home.. keep us posted

Re: Yellow Female Found

maybe her people had been in a car accident and she got spooked and disoriented and was seperarted from her own car...did you check police reports of nearby accidents on the roads?

Re: Re: Yellow Female Found

I wonder if you could run an ad in the paper in the general area in which she was found. You never know what may have happened, and her owners should be heartbroken!

Re: Re: Re: Yellow Female Found

I agree- this doesn't sound like a dumped dog, but one that has somehow gotten lost. She obviously was taken for rides frequently. Try signs on posts in the area in which you found her, contacting the local vets and animal shelters, as well as newspaper ads.