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Lab booth at NYC Meet the Breeds

Micki Beerman and Sarita Gellman, Leslie and others put lot of work into another wonderfully successful booth at the AKC Meet the Breeds this weekend. I couldn't even get near more than one corner of the booth, as I think all 40,000 spectators were coming in to talk, to cuddle with adult Labs or adore Leslie's cute older puppy. Photos of Labs hunting, hugging, helping, and showing adorned the booth, with a DVD playing, and Lab motif decor, too. We would have taken photos, but I think all you would have seen was the crowd. Another great show, folks!

Re: Lab booth at NYC Meet the Breeds

Yaaay!!!!!!! You guys dun good.

Re: Lab booth at NYC Meet the Breeds

Thanks so much for posting this.
It was a fun two days and I'm happy to report we were awarded 1st place for the sporting group booth!
Hard work but we did a lot of edumacating (LOL) the general public on the breed.
If I have to explain the diff between Eng/American Labs one more time, you can just have me committed!
Day two there are big rounds of thanks to Mary & Michael Wiest and Jackie D'Angelo who brought dogs and helped inform the public as well.
Hope to see some of you there next year!

Re: Lab booth at NYC Meet the Breeds

I had a great time, and what an opportunity to educate the public. On Sat my 14 week old puppies Elroy and Elly were quite the lure to get people to come into the wonderful Lab booth that Micki designed, especially Elroy, who amazed everyone by sitting quietly on the bed in the booth all by himself without anyone holding him, with crowds of people 10 deep all around waiting to get a chance to pet him or take pictures with him and he gave all the little children kisses. Even I was impressed with how well behaved he was for such a young baby! Micki's girls let all the kids climb all over them and cuddle, everyone can be assured our amazing breed was well represented to the public! I was asked constantly how did we get these dogs to act this way, and my answer was they are Labs!

Re: Lab booth at NYC Meet the Breeds

It sounds like everyone had a great time! Thanks for being such outstanding ambassadors for our breed!

Re: Lab booth at NYC Meet the Breeds

Congratulations The Lab booth was great you did a very good job and was wonderful to be able to see you all.


Alfredo Vallejo