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How do we put into words ...........

We don't even know how to begin to put into words ..... We weren't aware of the effort to help on our behalf until just a day or two ago. Your prayers and your messages to me have been such a help I will never be able to express how much you mean to me and my family. To be honest , and I will only mention this briefly once, the first several days I wasn't aware of much and I truly apologize for anyone who called and talked to me and must have thought I was a loon.... I am hoping as I/we get stronger and more able to share with you , what I am on whether I like it or not, a "journey from ashes". I will share with each and every one of you the progress that we will be making so you can see what you are helping us do. My family and I are speechless and touched beyond words, it seems so small to say but ..Thank you, we love you......stayed tuned :)
(I will be sharing our progress through Facebook)

Re: How do we put into words ...........

Well done Tina. Hang in there. My thoughts and those of many members of the Labrador community here in Australia and indeed around the world are with you.

Re: How do we put into words ...........

Tina, Thanks for updating us. From my own experiences I understood that the first couple weeks of your recovery would be a blur. Every day things will get better in small ways. I will follow you on Facebook and in my prayers and look forward to seeing you at Potomac when you are able to return. Kate