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Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

according to my notes, it says to give .5 ml for every 2.2 pounds of dog.

I have a couple 90 pound boys to worm with Safeguard today so how many ML would you give each boy ?

I came up with approx 22.5 ml per dog, 3 days on a row. 22.5 ml sounds like a lot to me. I know that many breeders on this forum had been under worming when using Safeguard because they had been going by the goat dosage. Then a Labrador Breed Vet got on here and gave the correct dosage which turns out to be alot more than what you give goats. I just can't remember what the correct dosage per pound of dog is ?

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

From the Manufacturer

Panacur Small Animal 10% Oral Suspension Data Sheet
A white oral suspension of fenbendazole as a ready to administer oral anthelmintic for domestic dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. 1ml contains 100mg active ingredient fenbendazole.

A broad spectrum anthelmintic for the treatment of domestic dogs and cats infected with immature and mature stages of nematodes of the gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts.

Adult dogs and cats: For the treatment of adult dogs and cats infected with gastro-intestinal nematodes and cestodes:
Ascarid spp. (Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina)
Ancylostoma spp.
Trichuris spp.
Uncinaria spp.
Taenia spp.
Puppies and kittens: For the treatment of puppies and kittens infected with gastro-intestinal nematodes and puppies infected with protozoa (Giardia spp.).
Pregnant dogs: For the treatment of pregnant dogs to reduce prenatal infections with Toxocara canis and the transfer of T. canis and Ancylostoma caninum to the pups via the milk.
Other: Also for the treatment of dogs infected with lungworm Oslerus (Filaroides) osleri or protozoa Giardia spp. and cats infected with lungworm Aelurostrongylus abstrusus.

Also has an ovicidal effect on nematode eggs.

Dosage and administration
Routine treatment of adult cats and dogs:1ml per 1kg bodyweight as a single oral dose.
(= 100mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight).
Practical dosage recommendations:
2 to 4kg 4ml
4 to 8kg 8ml
8 to 16kg 16ml
16 to 24kg 24ml
24 to 32kg 32ml
32 to 64kg 64ml
For dogs weighing over 64kg an extra 1ml is required for each additional 1kg bodyweight.
The dose should be mixed with feed, or administered orally directly after feeding.
Treatment should be repeated when natural re-infestation with parasitic worms occurs. Routine treatment of adult animals with minimal exposure to infection is advisable 2 to 4 times per year. More frequent treatment at 6 to 8 weekly intervals is advisable for dogs in kennels.

Puppies and kittens under six months of age: 0.5ml per kg bodyweight daily for 3 consecutive days given by mouth after feeding to unweaned animals or mixed with food for weaned animals.
(= 50mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight daily for 3 days).

Practical dosage recommendations:
Up to 1kg 0.5ml daily for 3 days
1 to 2kg 1ml daily for 3 days (2-4.5lbs)
2 to 4kg 2ml daily for 3 days (4.5lbs-8.75lbs)
4 to 6kg 3ml daily for 3 days (
6 to 8kg 4ml daily for 3 days (13lbs-17.5lbs)
8 to 10kg 5ml daily for 3 days (17.5lbs-22lbs)
For puppies weighing over 10kg, an extra 0.5ml is required daily for each additional kg bodyweight.
Puppies should be treated at 2 weeks of age, 5 weeks of age and again before leaving the breeders premises. Treatment may also be required at 8 and 12 weeks of age. Thereafter, frequency of treatment can be reduced unless the pups remain in kennels where re-infestation occurs more readily.

Pregnant dogs: 1ml per 4kg bodyweight daily from day 40 of pregnancy continuously to 2 days post-whelping (approximately 25 days).
(= 25mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight daily).

Practical dosage recommendations:
4kg 1ml daily for approx. 25 days
8kg 2ml daily for approx. 25 days
12kg 3 ml daily for approx. 25 days
20kg 5ml daily for approx. 25 days
40kg 10ml daily for approx. 25 days
For dogs weighing over 40kg, an extra 1ml is required for each additional 4kg bodyweight.
As treatment of pregnant dogs is 98% effective, puppies from these dogs should themselves be treated with a three day course at 2 and 5 weeks of age.

Pregnant cats: Pregnant cats can be safely treated with this product but only require a single treatment at the routine adult dose rate. Administer 1ml per 1kg bodyweight as a single dose.
(= 100mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight).

Increased dosing for specific infections:For the treatment of clinical worm infestations in adult dogs and cats or Giardia spp. infections in dogs, administer 1ml per 2kg bodyweight daily for 3 consecutive days.
(= 50mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight daily for 3 days).

For the control of lungworm Oslerus (Filaroides) osleri in dogs administer 1ml per 2kg bodyweight daily for 7 consecutive days.
(= 50mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight daily for 7 days).
A repeat course of treatment may be required in some cases.

For the control of lungworm Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in cats administer 1ml per 2kg bodyweight daily for 3 consecutive days.
(= 50mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight daily for 3 days).

Benzimidazoles have a wide safety margin and even overdose is unlikely to cause reactions.

Contra-indications, warnings, etc.
Direct contact with the skin should be kept to a minimum. Wash hands after use.
Assess bodyweight as accurately as possible before calculating the dosage.


Pharmaceutical precautions
Do not freeze. Shake container well before use.
Wear impermeable rubber gloves.
Dispose of empty packaging and any remaining product in the household refuse.

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

so 1 kg = 2.20 pounds

My dog weighs 90 pounds which = 198 kg

You're suppose to give 64 ml to a 64 kg of dog = 140.8 pound dog. Because you are suppose to give 1 ml for each additional kg of body weight over 64 kg I came up with the following dosage for my 90 pound dog.

However, according to my math, that would mean for a single dose for my 90 pound dog, I would be giving him 64 ml plus an additional 134 ml for a total of 198 ml ?

Someone please tell me I suck at math

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

I give 1cc per 4-5 lbs of weight so a 90 lb dog would get 18-22 ml per day x 3 days!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >


90 lbs is 40.9 kg.

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

OMGosh, I'm glad I waited to dose my big ol dogs. It's been 30 yrs since I took math in High School. Guess I am a little rusty..

Thanks for all your input !! My dogs thank you to (-:

I normally use Nemex but for some reason,my dogs and pups have developed a resistancy to it. For the first time this past year we had trouble getting rid of round worms after using Nemex 4 times, starting when the pups were 2 weeks old. Then when the 2 pups I kept were about 3 months old, I saw worms in their stools, got it diagnosed at my vets and the lab work came back that they had a very high amount of round worm eggs and round worms themselves..blood in the stool runny stools. We keep our property and house clean but the vet told me that round worms are next to impossible to irradicate once they get in the soil on your property. Basically, the young pups and up to a yr old need to build up a good resistancy to round worm. So now I am trying a different approach with my new 2 week old litter by using the Safeguard for goats/cattle.

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

Also, I have always wondered about why one can't give a dog Safeguard or Pancur one time then again in 2 weeks like you do Nemex or other wormers ?

So you worm your dogs 3 days in a row wiht Safeguard or Pancur but how does this kill any eggs that turn into worms 2 to 3 weeks from the 3rd consecutive dose of Safeguard ?

It seems like it would work better to dose a little higher using Safeguard one day then repeat every 2 weeks for a month, making sure you get all the cycle of eggs.

Can someone explain why Safeguard and Pancur can be used 3 consecutive days for round worms and then you don't need to worm again unless you see worms ?

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

I really think you should run this past your vet if you can't figure dosage out, or understand why it is a three day course, especially for puppies. My vet actually has me do different protcol of Panacur for some worms or Giardia.

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

When it comes to certain things, many vets don't have a clue. I talked to 3 different vets and they never even heard of Safeguard. Most of them tell me that using Frontline is not safe on pregnant dogs. They don't think it is ok to worm a puppy at 2 weeks of age. When it comes to raising puppies, they really don't have the experience that most long time breeders have. Dosage gets a little tricky whne a breeder is using wormers for cattle and goats and then I hear conflicting dosages. The last vet I talked to about using Safeguard told me that he thought worming once was enough and that 3 days in a row is too harsh on a dog's system.
So I've learned that some vets don't always have the anxwer to my questions to do with breeding.

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

Sounds to me like you need a better vet, or at the very lleast a mentor. Edited to add: Safeguard is a goat (etc...) wormer, used off label/no prescription for dogs. The active ingredient is Fenbendazole, and labeled for dogs, comes in a granular form. Like the other thread here on swabbing puppies for DNA, I would not come to an anonymous forum for such important information.

Best of luck to you.

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

Worming dogs is basics for a breeder. If we can't help each other with dosages on wormers then we are in worse shape than I thought. Good grief, vets don't always have the answers to everything and not everyone lives close to the best vets who do have experience in animal husbandry. No, I don't need a mentor to tell me about Safeguard worming dosages but I did get my question answered from some nice people on this forum. It'd just be nice if the " Haters " would refrain from negative comments when people come here to ask questions.

Re: Safeguard Worming dosage per pound of puppy >

I am not a hater, quite the opposite actually. I care very deeply for dogs and puppies, and you got such a range of dosages, (plus the ones that you worked out!) it would be nice to have a vet back up the dosage instead of someone from a public forum that you don't even know. The original dosage you figured out may have been quite harmful to puppies or even dogs. I also thought that perhaps your vet could explain to you why the three day dosage.
Have a great day!