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Well for all of you that love it when someone else is not having it good and like to come on here and say negative things about someone when hiding who you are. Here is some GOOD news for you to talk about, although I'm sure you won't have much to say now......
ALL of Jill's charges have been dropped!!! Did you read that???? ALL of Jill's charges have been dropped!!! So for the jack asses that coudn't wait to post the newspaper article on here, get a friggin life!!!!The paper won't put this info in it so I'm going to make sure that the busy bodies know!!
I'm so happy this part of this is over for Jill!
Have a great day my friend!

Re: Jill

Great news! You know the media never picks up when sensationalism isn't a factor. They obviously know human nature in all it's lowest forms. We see it on here all the time.
Have a great day, Jill!

Re: Jill

Re: Jill

You see?! Good things DO happen for good people. So happy for you Jill!

Thank you for posting the good news Tammy!

Re: Jill

That's great news, Tammy - where did you see this? We should spread the official word!

Re: Jill

That's great news!!!!! HUGS Jill~~

Re: Jill

Yeah! Don't know the story, don't want to, but do know it's absolutely awful to faces charges that are false.

Just been through the false charge scenario with a good friend/neighbor falsely accused of child abuse due to daughter's eating disorder. Daughter even said it wasn't mom's fault. Finally neighbor's charges were also dropped. Having suffered with my friend and her family personally, I know false charges are a nightmarish and terrifically horrible thing to live through!!

Jill, we all so appreciate this forum and are absolutely sure you are a wonderful person! Cheers!!

Re: Jill

Justice has prevailed. SOo happy to hear this is behind you Jill!!!!! Thanks for posting the
good news Tammy!!!

Re: Jill

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Glad that ridiculous diversion is out of the way. So on to good things. How about those incredible young boys Jill has? I think life's gotta be good! You go girl!

Re: Jill

thanks everyone. I’m happy to have all of this finally behind me. Unfortunately, when something like this happens, it’s very often sensationalized, and then it’s over, there are never any retractions to be read.

Anyway, it’s done, over, kaput, and I can get back to my life. Thank you to all of my friends who emailed me privately, as well as those who gave me a call, or sent a card of encouragement. It helped to know that you were in my corner and sending me your thoughts and prayers. Don’t for a minute think that it didn’t’s been a long couple of months.

now, back to our regular scheduled programing.... and NO bickering. pleeezzze


Re: Jill

thanks everyone. I’m happy to have all of this finally behind me. Unfortunately, when something like this happens, it’s very often sensationalized, and then it’s over, there are never any retractions to be read.

Anyway, it’s done, over, kaput, and I can get back to my life. Thank you to all of my friends who emailed me privately, as well as those who gave me a call, or sent a card of encouragement. It helped to know that you were in my corner and sending me your thoughts and prayers. Don’t for a minute think that it didn’t’s been a long couple of months.

now, back to our regular scheduled programing.... and NO bickering. pleeezzze


Re: Jill

Jill, check the laws in your state to see if you can get that record expunged too. May cost a few bucks.

Re: Jill

I hope things turned out okay for your son too, Jill. Glad to read that all of this is behind you!


Re: Jill

There are no charges to expunge if charges are dropped.

Re: Jill

It's something like this that makes think Jill should create a "like" button...just like facebook! Good news, glad to hear it.