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Coat change after Spay

Just wondering about what to expect with my newly spayed 7 year old bitch/ Chocolate and had a litter last year.

Some folks have told me to expect changes in her coat.
? Anyone care to share their experiences. The last spayed female I had / was spayed young at 6 months and was a Yellow dog. Shed like crazy and had a thinner coat.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Coat change after Spay

I spayed my girl when she was about 6.5 years. She had 2 litters in the past.
She was the kind of girl who came in every 4.5 to 5 months so her coat never got to grow into nice coat in between heat cycle. After I spayed her, her coat came in very very nice (the nicest coat she has had) and it has stayed that way. She is now about 8 years and still in lovely coat. She sheds less than she used to do.
Hope it will be the same for your girl!

Re: Coat change after Spay

I had a chocolate girl I spayed after her 2nd litter at 4 years old. Her coat was always lovely but was gorgeous after her spay, making me wonder why I spayed her. Mine blow coat twice a year quite heavily and minimal shedding all year round and they are house dogs.

Re: Coat change after Spay

I think it's normal that a coat will be better after a spay/neuter (the dogs hormones change).

Re: Coat change after Spay

I disagree that the coats are better. They can be thicker but they are also softer. They lose the harsh outer coat and all they have left is a thicker, soft undercoat. All soft, undercoat is not correct.

Re: Coat change after Spay

Actually, my yellow girl's coat is thicker and just as hard as ever, not soft at all. She still has the hard outer coat as well as a proper undercoat. She was spayed last September at 7 years old. She hasn't shed yet, but I'm expecting a BIG one in a couple of months when it warms up. Can't help you with chocolate coat experience though.

Re: Coat change after Spay

I've found the first blow after a spay the coat comes back in gorgeous but after the next blow is never the same again, coats stay thick but lose the wave and become more clumpy looking is the only way I can describe it. Has happened with more than one of mine. The hormones are what makes the coat nice, why bitches look their best when they are in season or in whelp,take those hormones away it is not the same.

Re: Coat change after Spay

I've found it takes a good year for the coat to lose the harshness and turn into the soft, thick coat.