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Update Wendy McNaughton

Wendy was making some progress and is now back in the hospital, tumor is not responding to treatment, so doctors are trying to figure out another protocol.
Please take a minute or two to send her a card and write her a few lines. Her daughter Kristy will read the messages for her.
Send to
Wendy McNaughton
c/o Bauters
84 Cross Street
Salem NH 03079
and please remember her in your prayers

Re: Update Wendy McNaughton

I am very sorry to hear that Wendy is back in the hospital. It was great to see her up and around at the Fitchburg show. I hope it is just a small set back and she will continue her recovery.

Re: Update Wendy McNaughton

So very sorry to hear this news .. will pop a card off in the mail, and keep her in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers.

Re: Update Wendy McNaughton

Just today I was thinking about Wendy, wondering how she was doing and wishing her well - she was very kind to me at Potomac years ago - we had a long chat. I will send a note too.

Re: Update Wendy McNaughton

My vet is in Salem andi have a 12 week puppy visit coming up - can she have visitors?

Re: Update Wendy McNaughton

In the hospital she cannot have puppy visitors, and is undergoing strong chemo right now. If she can get out of the hospital and get into a rehab, then I think more open visits would be possible.