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13 week old limping

I have a 13 week old pup who has been mildly lame on a front leg for 5 days. Acting normally, eating, no fever and vet says too early for x-rays. Has anyone had this end up being ED or OCD? It seems so early but I'm worried. I had OCD in a hock a few tears back but it didn't show up until 4 1/2 - 5 months old.

Re: 13 week old limping

I would just crate rest and leash walk to go potty for a week or two. It's difficult I know, but if it is a sprain you have to give it time to heal. I would also suggest starting the puppy on Glyco Flex Classic.

Re: 13 week old limping

I know it's young, but could the puppy have been bitten by a tick a few weeks ago? Have you checked for broken, or cracked nails? Also, they sometimes catch a foot or toe coming out of a crate and injure it.

Re: 13 week old limping

Thirteen weeks is not too early for ED to show up, and, more importantly, is getting close to the critical time frame of 4-6 months for any joint injury during this period causing permanent joint damage. This is per Dr. Wind from UCDavis years ago.
It's also possible it could be pano, but you need to get a diagnosis. It does not sound like a soft-tissue injury, as that most likely would have resolved in 5 days.
Five days with no resolution is concerning. I would seek another opinion asap with an orthopedist or general practice vet who has an interest and extensive experience with orthopedic issues. This puppy should probably be on an NSAID of some kind as an anti-inflammatory will actually accelerate healing of injuries, particularly joint injuries. And crate rest. But don't delay, ANY limping in a puppy is concerning, and 5 days worth of limping is serious.

Re: 13 week old limping

Is the puppy lethargic? Most puppies that have strangles are much younger, but it can happen. Any pimples in the ear or on the face? Fever?