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Pregnant Bitch/Allergic reaction

My girl was inseminated on Saturday and Monday. Today she is having an allergic reaction to something. Called the vet and she said to still give her Benadryl. Voiced my concerns, she said it should still be ok. Anybody know of anything else I could give her that wouldn't hurt her babies? Anything holistic that anybody has tried before I give in to Benadryl?

Re: Pregnant Bitch/Allergic reaction

What is the reaction exactly? There is pollen earlier this year, if that is what could be the problem. In that case - if this could last for weeks - best to talk to a repro vet.

Re: Pregnant Bitch/Allergic reaction

One of mine did that too. She broke out into hives and the vet gave her Benedryl. I thought for sure she'd end up not pregnant. We had 3 and 1 died shortly after birth. Were there more in there and we lost them due to the allergic reaction and Benedryl? Dunno. I suspect so, but this happened about 10 days after insemination so I do wonder if only the 3 embryos implanted and the rest were lost.

Re: Pregnant Bitch/Allergic reaction

Her tummy this morning was bright pink with raised rashes. Then I noticed she had lumps on either side of her nose, now I can see her head is swollen with bumps. No pustules, just bumpy. The repro vet said she wasn't that far along and go ahead and give her some Benadryl. I am just worried it will still cause birth defects. Just wondering if anybody else has successfully used anything else besides Benadryl.
I washed down her tummy with witch hazel to cool it off and then put vaseline on it to stop the itch. That helped and the raised areas went away.

Re: Pregnant Bitch/Allergic reaction

My girl had an allergic reaction when pregnant with her last litter at about 4 weeks into the pregnany.
Vet had me give her bendryl for a week, 10 healthy pups.
Had another with a very localized reaction (she was 2 weeks into the pregancy) & instead of giving benedryl had me use a benedry spray instead of tablets.

Re: Pregnant Bitch/Allergic reaction

I don't know what are you waiting? she can go into a anaphylactic shock anytime or choke with a swollen larynx. Give her the benadryl before you have to take her to the EC, and then she'll need steroids; which will make her loose the whole litter.

Re: Pregnant Bitch/Allergic reaction

If you just did a breeding a few days ago, blastocysts have not attached in the uterus yet, you should be fine with giving Benadryl. Make sure you give the correct dose to combat the systemic allergic reaction. Hives, rashes, and swollen head are serious symptoms and need to be treated quickly and appropriately.
Probably past the point of being a worry for you right now, but you need to watch her carefully for any difficulty breathing or swelling in her throat. For this reason, it's best to bring a dog with any significant allergic reaction physically in to the vet.
Has she ever been stung by a bee that you know of? The first time, may not be a huge reaction, but the second time, if she is highly allergic to bees, can cause a reaction such as what you have described.
Not likely trees, grasses or flowers would cause this type of reaction, most likely a bee or other insect invenimation. Watch her outside when bees are present, this could happen again.