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Anyone use Revolution?

Does anyone use Revolution, if so does it really take care of Heartworm, AND fleas AND ticks? Would love to hear from someone who has used it for several years.

Re: Anyone use Revolution?

We've used it for at last 6 years with great success BUT we live in an area where these aren't huge concerns - too darned cold!

Re: Anyone use Revolution?

I have used it for many years and it worked excellent for me, no fleas, ticks (though they say it only takes care of one type of tick). It also takes care of heartworm. As a stupid, on my part, cost saving, I stopped last September for the Winter. Murphy's Law, one of my dogs came down with Lymes. Back to Revolution for my gang now.

Re: Anyone use Revolution?

I had a puppy buyer using it and within a day or two of it's first application, the pup had a mild seizure that was atypical for epilepsy

Life went on for another month with no other seizures until a day or two after second month's application and same type of seizure occurs.

About this time owner called me, needless to say, I was beside myself. Owner had vet check and blood tests run, all came back normal. Over the next week or so and after conversations with my vet, we stumbled on the sequence of events with regard to the application of the Revolution.

Pup was switched to heart guard and lo and behold not a single seizure since.

An interesting point, this pup had a playmate that was also getting Revolution and as one would expect, there was a lot of puppy biting and wrestling back and forth so perhaps there was some oral ingestion taking place right after the application.

The side effects listed on the package do include seizures. My vet was not a big advocate of the product and won't prescribe it. I will specifically tell future puppy buyers to avoid it.

Re: Anyone use Revolution?

i used revolution for years w/ great success on previous dogs. i like it because one medicine treats a larger variety of nasties. but when my vet retired & i had to switch vets, the new one was not a fan. i don't know if that's because she lacked experience w/ the product or what but she didn't seem to know the product very well. i am considering going back to it because as i said it takes care of a wider variety of vermin. if anyone has heard anything about the product that might be concerning, other than the previous poster (that pup may have been too young) I would like to hear about it. for instance, has it been linked to cancer? or other horrible things?

Re: Anyone use Revolution?

Revolution is good against mites, but it does NOT claim to protect against the wider range of ticks, particularly the deer ticks, more likely to carry Lyme disease. The product does protect against larger brown dog ticks and heartworms. I would NOT use it on herding dogs with MDR1 mutation without discussing it with a vet.