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Can dogs catch humans' stomach flu?

I have a 12 week old pup who started with diarrhea on Wednesday, now is vomitting. Of course we'll go in to the vet tomorrow. But I had the stomach flu last Saturday, my whole family had it on Thursday. Pup is acting just like we did when sick - diarrhea, vomitting, elevated temp, no appetite, but he is drinking water.

I gave 2 Ponazuril doses in case it's coccidia. I also gave loperamide. He drinks water, belly gurgles, we run outside and almost clear water shoots out the back :( When he vomits, it's only 50cc's or so and he's drinking about 300cc at a time. He was the only pup in the house and is the only one sick. I have 4 of his littermates, none of them or the other dogs have these symptoms.

So, I thought dogs couldn't get humans' germs, but am I wrong? Of course, we'll see what it really is when we go in tomorrow.

Re: Can dogs catch humans' stomach flu?

No your pup mostly likely did not catch your flu. Symptoms do Not sound like coccidia. Not sure what you gave him but if your pup gets coccidia in the future the best treatment is a course of Albon 2x daily for 10 days

Re: Can dogs catch humans' stomach flu?

No your pup mostly likely did not catch your flu. Symptoms do Not sound like coccidia. Not sure what you gave him but if your pup gets coccidia in the future the best treatment is a course of Albon 2x daily for 10 days

I agree, it doesn't sound like coccidia but all the rabbit waste in our area has coccidia so it was my first thought. Coccidia in our area is resistant to Albon. Ponazuril works well on the strain which we have. Thankfully vet insisted I keep some on hand. We'll see what it is in the morning. He's been sleeping and hasn't pooped or vomitted since I posted, maybe poor baby is on the mend.

Re: Can dogs catch humans' stomach flu?

When a dog has the flu, it's a good idea to limit the water intake to only sips. large amounts of water causes the dog to continue vomiting, unless it's via IV treatment.

Re: Can dogs catch humans' stomach flu?

Well, you all could get salmonella, or any other bacteria from improperly washed dish, etc. maybe your dishwasher had a bad load? It happens more often than people think. If your dishwasher does not have a temp hold feature and someone in the house is taking a shower, the dishes won't get sanitized. It can make a household sick as you describe.

Re: Can dogs catch humans' stomach flu?

Vet result - severe coccidia. They gave 200cc IV LR, vitamin B12 shot. We'll give Peptobismol, Reglan, Albon and Ponazuril at home for a week. My 15 acres are full of coccidia and it's a hassle. Pups took a long walk through our trails earlier this week, must be when he caught it.

Re: Can dogs catch humans' stomach flu?

Diseases from animal to human are called Zoonotic diseases. Here is a link to help. :)