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Hunting/ show lines

Hi am inquiring about stud dogs that are known for producing good hunting instinct in their offspring. I have a show bred bitch with her WC/JH and have tried breeding to two different boys also with WC/JH and the pups just aren't birdy. Dam is very birdy!

So... I am putting out a request to the masses LOL

A BY/BB stud, show lines, proven with birdy/ hunting offspring. A variety of other desires, but that is the biggest one. I can weed through :-)

PRIVATE replies only please.

Re: Hunting/ show lines

My suggestion would be to go to hunt tests and watch the dogs. He doesn't have to have an MH. There are plenty of dogs running in the lower stakes who are birdy and might produce for you. Very few MH's with all conformation pedigrees but they're out there. You might also look at the LRC Year Book where they list all the CH/MH's.

Re: Hunting/ show lines

Don't have to have the yearbook, they are also listed here: