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Comfortis flea control tablets

Does anyone have experience with this product on breeding males or females?

FDA information was pretty scant on potential adverse reactions on females and nothing provided for males.

Would appreciate any input.


Re: Comfortis flea control tablets

Read the fine print. "Should be used with caution in breeding females. Safety has not been established in breeding males." As far as I am concerned, that is enough for me. If you want to know more, I would urge you to contact the makers of the product. I don't have a package with me, but there should be a contact number somewhere on the box or insert.

Re: Comfortis flea control tablets

Found the number if you want to call. It's 1-888-545-5973. Let us know what you find out.

Re: Comfortis flea control tablets

If you put comfortis in the search box it will dirext you to posts 2 years ago. the drug is scarry.

Re: Comfortis flea control tablets

My sister gave it to her dog at the vets insistance. She called me a couple days later. Dog was really sick and headed back to the vet. It ended up being comfortis. Her dog is ok now.

Comfortis flea control tablets

Seems like my dogs are immune to Advantage and Frontline... Tried Comfortis and it works nicely. However, you have to feed them & then give it to them, otherwise they get sick. If anyone is using anything thing else that works please let me know. Thanks - Leaving my email