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eic question

I had my boy tested for eic and his results came back that he is a carrier. I am a newbie and I don't know how is the best way to breed him. If I breed a carrier to carrier would all of the puppies be carriers, or would some be carriers and some be affected?

Re: eic question

He can produce affected, carriers, and clears when bred to a carrier bitch. If you don't know the EIC status of the bitch, you shouldn't breed them together.

Re: eic question

Since you have done the test and know that your boy is a carrier, it would be best to breed only to bitches that have tested clear for EIC. In doing so, by statistics, each pup would have a 50% chance to be a carrier and a 50% chance of being clear. If our test is accurate (and some would dispute that point) no pup should be affected. If you breed carrier to carrier, each pup would have a 25% chance of being affected, 25% chance of being clear, and a 50% chance of being a carrier. Carrier to affected would give a 50% chance of being either affected or carrier, with no chance of a clear. The goal in testing is to avoid producing an affected pup. Now that you know your boy's status, use that knowledge wisely!

Re: eic question

Don't breed a carrier to carrier. Only breed him to clear. That way no pups affected. If he is a nice stud, the female owners will be glad to test to breed to him. But using it as a tool to breed is wonderful.

Re: eic question

Thank you for your help.

Re: eic question

IF you believe in the test.
My my, what did we do before this EIC test!!
Dogs must have been dropping like flies!

Breeder for years
Don't breed a carrier to carrier. Only breed him to clear. That way no pups affected. If he is a nice stud, the female owners will be glad to test to breed to him. But using it as a tool to breed is wonderful.

Re: eic question

Some did drop! The purpose of the test is to make sure no more have to do so.

Re: eic question

IF you believe in the test.
My my, what did we do before this EIC test!!
Dogs must have been dropping like flies!

Breeder for years
Don't breed a carrier to carrier. Only breed him to clear. That way no pups affected. If he is a nice stud, the female owners will be glad to test to breed to him. But using it as a tool to breed is wonderful.

LOL...I agree!!!