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Roy Jones Webentry link?

Does anyone have the correct link to the webentry portal for Roy Jones?

The National has an early closing of today at noon and I was waiting until the last day hoping my bitch would be pregnant and I would have to miss this year to be home whelping, but it looks like she isn't so I can go! But the webentry for Roy Jones isn't working (this is the link on their site: and it's too late for infodog and I don't have a fax machine.

Anyone have any other ideas? I've got almost 5 hours to figure this out and I'm sure I could drive into town to find a fax machine if I really need to.


Re: Roy Jones Webentry link?

Call Roy Jones...they helped me enter a show a few months ago when the online portal would only allow me to enter the Friday of a 3 day show..

Re: Roy Jones Webentry link?

They fixed it.