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bone loss

I have a lovely bitch about 1 year 5 months old
I noticed that she seems to have sprouted about 2 inches overnight and is currently about 23” tall
She had been larger boned but seems to have lost it with the growth spurt
Is the bone loss a temporary thing or is this it….
Any comments are welcome – Thanks for your input

Re: bone loss

From my experience, once it's gone, it's gone. Has she grown and lost coat, too? You might be looking at her out of coat which can make a big difference.

bone loss

Yes, she is out of coat.... she just seemed to sprout up ... I spoke with Vet office and they seem to think she's just growing and she'll fill out or it's just genetics... I'll wait and see what happens in another year. Go figure!

Re: bone loss

23 inches is tall for a bitch - even for a male, I don't think she is going to shrink even if she "gets" her bone back. Did you measure her at the withers?