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Kelp and Winter Nose

Ok, I have a yellow girl who has "winter nose". I have used Kelp in the past with a boy with some success. What is your favorite type of Kelp? It has been so long since I used it that I can't remember what kind it was. Also, any other recommendations? I am going to keep the lights on while she is crated at night.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Re: Kelp and Winter Nose

Dalmatian breeders use this when they need to fill in some trim on baby puppies. Norweign sea kelp seem to be the best.Hope this helps. Not sure if it will help winter nose or snow nose

Re: Kelp and Winter Nose

Bluesouth Labradors
Dalmatian breeders use this when they need to fill in some trim on baby puppies. Norweign sea kelp seem to be the best.Hope this helps. Not sure if it will help winter nose or snow nose

"fill in some trim on baby puppies"....... since I don't have Dalmatians I'm curious as to what this phrase means. Thanks.