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A therapy dog needed - full grown Lab preffered!!!!

Hello Lab people - the following is a letter I received from a gal that I worked with at The Guide Dog Foundation - she is with a new organization providing assistance and therapy dogs - I wish I had one for her but I don't..... anyone have one???? Read on if you're interested!!

Hey Lisa. Hope your good!

I started a groundbreaking new organization called DogAbility. (
Being friends with Katie who started Horseability was why I chose the name. She
hosted our first sessions last fall

We bring n therapy dogs and have them engage with special needs kids in
activities using the elements of agility, Rally, NoseWork , Treiball and Flyball
all modified for their abilities

Our new spokesperson is nancy burpee who was a Paralympic swimmer for the USA !
Her lower half of her body is having a tough time due to her disease and she
needs a DOG!!!

She needs a specially trained service dogs with skills specific to her needs.
Shed like a dog to support her " tippy" body and also be her best friend! She
also needs one that will " pull her out of the water" after swimming. Perhaps
carry things in a saddle bag while she walks, and whatever skills we want to

she will be on TV promoting DogAbility and the dog will be highlighted !!

I wondered if you or anyone you know would " donate" an adult large breed dog to
be trained by me and represent DogAbility and also be able to be a brace dog and
pull her out of the pool

Whoever donates this dog will be highlighted as well !
She can't wait for a dog. She needs it NOW. She can't handle a puppy so it needs
to be an adult

Any thoughts????

Sass Levine

Re: A therapy dog needed - full grown Lab preffered!!!!

Forwarding your info to some folks I know...
Hope you find that special dog.

Best regards.

Kim S.