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Jumping on kennel gate

My bitch would never jump on me but when I am preparing her food or I come into kennel area she jumps on the gate. I have had to replace the latches a few times. I am looking for suggestions. I have tried turning my back and ignoring. Works then next day back to same thing. Just getting so tired of it. Any help appreciated. The bitch in with her does not jump on gate. Never would.

I love this site. Have got some great training tips here. :)

Re: Jumping on kennel gate

You might try a spray bottle filled with plain water.

Squirt her every time she jumps. It works for barking, so why not jumping?

Re: Jumping on kennel gate

I put a few coins or rocks in a soda can, tape the opening. As soon as the dog jumps I give the can a few shakes and in my nasty voice, say Yek. Good luck.

Re: Jumping on kennel gate

Does she know the off command? If you open gate ever so slightly and shake it and say "off" and immediately treat, I think you could get rid of it. Then treat lots initially when you find her not jumping on gate. Never open gate and/or feed if she's just jumped on it!

Re: Jumping on kennel gate

You've gotten some very good advice from the forum folks. My 4 boys know that it's not a free for all when it comes to meals, letting them in or outside house/crate/kennels, or me going in the backyard when they're outside having fun. It can be chaotic and someone, hopefully not me, can get hurt. SIT is my favorite command. If they, and I mean anyone, breaks the SIT, especially for meals, it's back to square one and back into a SIT. For meals, they all SIT, WAIT and I give release command EAT. Some are fast finishers and have to SIT, WAIT, for the others to finish. When everyone's done chowing down, I release with FREE DOG. Everyone's happy, including me.

Good luck and keep training. Your 4-legged friend will soon get the right idea.

Re: Jumping on kennel gate

I've had some good success with a positive feedback method. My dogs come in through a sliding glass door and it was disturbing when they would leap up against it, not to mention how dirty it would get. I relax and watch until I see all the dogs have 4 feet on the ground, I start walking towards the door. As soon as one or more dogs jumps on the door, I break eye contact and turn around. Sometimes I go back to where I started, but in the beginning stages you can just turn around and then continue from where you were. When everyone settles down again I turn around and try again. Repeat until you get all the way to the door. When you reach for the handle, they will likely jump again - be sure to snatch your hand away, put it behind your back, and look away until you can hear them all off the door. Warning - allow yourself a lot of time the first time you do this. It took me 45 minutes before I could slide the door open without anyone jumping on it. Also make the commitment to do this process every time they come in. You can't train to eliminate the behavior one day and allow it the next - the behavior will never stick. At my house now there are only a couple of dogs that forget every time but remember quite quickly when I look away and step back, and then they only jump on the door once or twice.

Re: Jumping on kennel gate

I had tried the squirt bottle and the can and banging on gate. She will hold sit stay. But then whines and yips while I am preparing. Then another jumps. I love the idea of all with four on the floor. Maybe I can squirt the yipper but will have two people involved as it takes the 2 second rule and I would not reach in time from where I am preparing.

Lets see what hour of the morning they will finally get their supper! lol Will give it a try.

Thanks so much!