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Parvo going around? East coast?

Anyone else here this? I have babies at home and getting nervous about going to some upcoming shows.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Anyone else here this? I have babies at home and getting nervous about going to some upcoming shows.

A friend near Albany, NY who does rescue just had two pups sent from TN diagnosed with parvo but I haven't heard of anything else.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Skip the shows for the sake of your pups.

Hope all will he well.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

This new rescue trend of bringing shelter dogs from the South up to the North is a MAJOR cause for concern. It's not being done responsibly and Parvo is being spread around where it doesn't belong! There should be laws to prevent this.
I am scared to even go to the pet store anymore for fear someone has a puppy carrying Parvo from some far away shelter there!!

Labrador Lover
Anyone else here this? I have babies at home and getting nervous about going to some upcoming shows.

A friend near Albany, NY who does rescue just had two pups sent from TN diagnosed with parvo but I haven't heard of anything else.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Parvo is everywhere. Years ago in Ohio there was a big outbreak, I know of a Lab breeder in Maryland that lost pups to Parvovirus. Where you came up with the SOUTH thing is beyond me.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Yes, that is crazy. I have heard of one case in years. And not real bad. This time of year Parvo might not be BAD anywhere, but it is always around. And don't like that idea of trasporting rescue dogs either. Good way to spread a ton of things.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Yes, bringing up dogs from the south is a documented source of health issues in the Northeast. It's not so much an issue of being from the South, it is the manner and protocols (many lacking) that is enabling "rescue" - term used loosely - folks to export dogs that are carrying disease, and there is always more disease prevalence with the stress of transport.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

In January at the American Spaniel Club a 6-9month old cocker pup got sick and it was a confirmed case of parvo. The following weekend in Novi, MI,2 Aus Shepherd puppies got it too, and died. In Erie, PA the following weekend a handler from Canada had a puppy that was sick at the show. Rather than take that puppy to the vet right away, he waited 3 days and brought it back to the owner (who does not believe in vaccinating) and it died 2 days later but not before it gave parvo to its littermates and they died as well. Other than that, i have not heard of any other dogs getting sick here. It may have run its course. However, be very weary of bringing little puppies to the allbreed shows if you dont have to...


Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Documented where and for what? I would have to see evidence before I believe that. South what and where? What Rescue organizations? That is a really broad statement. As a Vet I am sure you can provide this documentation you referenced. I have trouble with any type of stigmatization . Like Parvovirus does not exist in the West, North or East!?

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Ridiculous statement!
Documented where and for what? I would have to see evidence before I believe that. South what and where? What Rescue organizations? That is a really broad statement. As a Vet I am sure you can provide this documentation you referenced. I have trouble with any type of stigmatization . Like Parvovirus does not exist in the West, North or East!?

You may not even realize that more than 500,000 animals a year are brought in from other countries, many unvaccinated puppies.

"The importation of dogs into the United States poses a risk for the introduction of rabies and other zoonotic diseases. Federal regulations (42 CFR 71.51) currently require proof of valid rabies vaccination for imported dogs, but allow the importation of some unvaccinated dogs, including dogs less than 3 months of age, provided certain requirements for confinement are met until the dog is vaccinated. Although there are no accurate surveillance data on the number of dogs imported each year, it is estimated based on extrapolated data that over 287,000 dogs were imported into the United States during 2006. Of these, approximately 25% were either too young to be vaccinated or lacked proof of valid rabies vaccination. Import trends suggest that an increasing number of unvaccinated puppies are being imported into the United States, mostly through commercial resale or rescue operations."

Since 2006, that 287,000 per year has doubled. Importation from Canada, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies, where no regulations are required, continues on a daily basis. The majority of dogs imported are puppies and small breeds that are far more acceptable to the general public than large dogs and much easier to resale or adopt out - for a fee."

Sheltering is becoming a huge industry in this country. Look up "Dixie dogs". These are dogs that are purposely brought to the NE from southern states for rehoming. They have people lining up in the wee hours of the morning to adopt an unknown dog, with questionable temperament/background/history because they are well marketed.

I know North Shore Animal League is huge re-seller and importer of puppies.

And yes, with this brings in new strains of diseases.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

That's very interesting, but I have to object to your inclusion of Canada.

"Importation from Canada, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies, where no regulations are required, continues on a daily basis."

We are not a third world country and we have plenty of rules and regulations about dog vacinations, thank you very much!

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

It is VERY well known that there is a HUGE market for shelter dogs from the Southern US states and beyond.
There is a large problem in those states with overpopulations and non vaccination.
The shelters are FULL of parvo and distemper. I can put you in touch with people who will document this if you really require "proof".
While I feel badly for these dogs, and believe they are worthy of rescue, I do not believe that the people doing this are doing it safely.
One day in a shelter, next day given shots and off they go to the NE US!
Several days go by and they are fighting parvo that they picked up before they were vaccinated.
Now they are being brought to vets in the NE, spread the disease to God knows where (pet stores, parks, etc) and now MY dogs are at risk!
Seem fair to you?????

Ridiculous statement!
Documented where and for what? I would have to see evidence before I believe that. South what and where? What Rescue organizations? That is a really broad statement. As a Vet I am sure you can provide this documentation you referenced. I have trouble with any type of stigmatization . Like Parvovirus does not exist in the West, North or East!?

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Why not just post your resources then. Should not be a big secret. I would think everyone would want to know. I repeat Parvovirus is everywhere not just coming from Southern States to the North. PA has some terrible puppy mills that are littered with disease.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

I thought the claim was the sick dogs were coming from Southern STATES not out of the Country . Coming from out of the Country I would think that they would be shipped from that Country to any of the Large Ports around the US. It sounds like you are talking about a pass through the Southern States being shipped to the Northern Market where there must be a big demand. Sounds like education of those Northern buyers might be helpful. Hard to believe with millions being spent to support Shelters and thousands of dogs being destroyed each day that there would be a demand for 500,000 additional dogs a year. Stop the demand and you stop the supply.

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

Ridiculous statement!
Why not just post your resources then. Should not be a big secret. I would think everyone would want to know. I repeat Parvovirus is everywhere not just coming from Southern States to the North. PA has some terrible puppy mills that are littered with disease.

Oh please do tell, where are your statistics to support this claim? Sheesh, talk about a ridiculous statement!

Re: Parvo going around? East coast?

East coast, West coast, South, North. It is everywhere. Not COMING from anywhere. Be real ! There are plenty of dogs, cats and all the new pets (pet rats, birds, rodent a plenty.)everywhere, not one location. You can blame all day long. If there is a recorded out break in one area, please let us know.